Chapter 18

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Daniel POV
I lay there on the coach trying to figure out what I'm going to tell her and how I was going to apologize to her. I wanted to give her space for the rest of the night so I just laid there until I fell asleep.

Olivia POV
I don't get it . Why would Daniel be so aggressive during sex , when it should be so meaningful and worthwhile. I went to shower and wipe down there, there were traces of blood on the wash cloth . He really went too far this time . Why didn't he stopped when I asked him to , it's like he went into another dimension for the most parts of the sex . It's like he was a whole other person. I laid there for the rest of the night crying because I can't believe that this sweet guy could be so scary . I couldn't wait for morning to get here . I wanna go home .

7:00am I was ready to leave . I throw my jeans on, freshen up and went straight for the door . I walked past him sleeping on the coach , didn't want to wake him . Tried opening the door and all of a sudden  the fucking alarm went off, he's going to be up and I will have to talk to him .

He jumped up and came around to the door , I stood there with my head hanging down .

Daniel POV
I thought there was breaking in. Olivia you were going to leave without even saying a word to me ?
I thought you were going to hear me out over what happened last night.

I didn't want to stay , I didn't want to face you , I wanted to leave and not say a word to you . She said .
I felt so fucking horrible as a man , it's like I raped her and she was trying to escape her rapist .

I took her by the hand and we walked back to the living room. She sat at one end of the sofa and I at the other end .

I looked at her and she looked at me .

Then I started talking .
Growing up I spent most of my childhood being the man of the house ,ever since my father left my mom and I . I Grew up around dangerous things that I hate to make mention of . All I  grew up knowing about is to be in control all the time , I don't take no for an answer and I hate apologizing because it makes you look weak.The love making is a no for me , you a the only girl weh get certain things out of me and a because there's something different about you.
I love to fuck hard because it gives me full dominance ,which triggers a certain level of aggression and I'm expecting you to submit to me . I was shocked when I saw you crying because right then I knew I went too far .

If I hurt you in anyway ,it wasn't my intention because I enjoy giving you pleasure.  This is me saying I'm sorry Olivia.

Olivia POV
I need to know these things babe , you need to try and let me in . Let me be there for you. You can't put me in a position where I'm scared to be around you and not knowing what could cause you to act a certain way. Allow me to understand where you're coming from, I love you too much for you not to let me in . I would never hurt you and that's on everything I stand for .

Daniel POV
Yuh a the first girl mi ever be so opened and real with enuh Olivia . I want you to trust me , I don't want you to run when things happen, just be there for me.
I saw tears running down her face and I held her in my arms . I felt so calm , the calmest I've ever felt in a while .

Will you be staying for breakfast? I'll just ask my maid to prepare something for us , if you're staying .

Yes I will be staying , I can't go home like this Daniel .

Ok baby .

She went back into the room and I followed her .

I'm going to rest my eyes for awhile , she said
And I will be in my office. I told her . Call me if you need anything I said to her .

Olivia POV
I fell asleep so fast , it's like I was craving for it.

Daniel POV
I got so much work done and she's still sleeping . Breakfast is ready so I need to go and wake her up.

She's fast asleep with her signature snores ,curled up under the blanket. She doesn't even know I'm watching her sleep , wish I could lay with her but I have to go the office soon.

I kissed her on the lips twice and bwoy Olivia really sleeps dead . I had to call to her more than once until she finally said she's up .

I had a good sleep she said to me the best in a while  but I'm hungry now .

You have a wide variety to choose from love .

Let me freshen up and then I'll join you she said .

Olivia is a real foodie and I know she's going to take a little of everything.

She enters the kitchen and her entire face lit up like Christmas tree.

Enjoy baby !

Olivia POV
Men really knows how to calm us down after arguments and disagreements enuh . I said to myself.

I ate my belly full and the food was really something. His maid can cook, she really knows what she's doing .

She came and asked me if I was ok and how was the food.

It was amazing , everything was cooked with love. Can I take you home with me? She laughed and said Mr Collins wouldn't  want to let me go because he loves my cooking too.

She was so warm, so motherly,kind and genuine. Daniel really knows how to pick them .

We finished eating and I helped her with the dishes , even though she said she was ok and she didn't needed my help, I insisted and she finally said that it was ok .

We talked, laughed and she told me about her twin daughters that were attending high school.

If ever I become a mom , I want twin girls too and we laughed but I was serious , I would really love to have twins one day .

I went to shower because I'm going by mommy soon . I came back to the room and Daniel was sitting on the bed .

He got up to approach me and I jumped back .
I don't know why I did that , I don't know if it was because of everything or I'm still in shock.

Are you afraid of me Olivia ? He asked .
Because you jumped a while ago as I tried to touch you.
I stuttered , I'm good for real , just reflex babe , swear I'm good .
You have nothing yo worry about.
He sat back down , while I stood there naked getting dress and he went straight on his phone.
I walked over to him in my underwear and bra and stood right in front of him.

He looked at me from my toes straight to my eyes and I took his hands and held them to my body.

Babe I'm not afraid of you , I was just overwhelmed with everything that happened earlier . You are a great guy and I wouldn't be here if you weren't .
I'm sorry for what happened.
He stood up ,hugged me and I hugged him back . I finished getting ready and then we were set to leave .

My Daniel I love you even when our days feel heavy .

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