short story~4

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Ok, before I start, this one is based on the headcannon about angle being scared of spiders. And I have no ideas for so most of the stories might be coming from the headcannons


Angel was in his room playing with fat nuggets and putting bows on him when he looked up and saw a tiny spider. He screams and picks fat nuggets up as he runs to husk, almost crying.

"What's the problem, ang?" Husk says with a hint of worry in his voice.

"I-I saw a-a.." Angle starts to cry softly before he continues.

"A what angel?" Husk says, trying to understand him

"A spider," Angel whispers and looks clearly scared of it.

"Where is the spider?" Husk was in disbelief but still followed Angel to the spider.

"Dear, you do know you're a spider, right? And this little guy won't hurt you he's a jumping spider." He says, trying to comfort his lover.

Angle gets even more scared. "IT JUMPS?!?!"

Husk sighs and Pat's angels head "It's ok my dear he's not going to hurt you now I can either kill it, put it out side, or stay here and make sure it doesn't hurt you." He says calmly

"DONT KILL IT!! IT HAS A LIFE TO YOU KNOW!" Angel felt offended at the thought of Husk killing the poor spider.

"Just stay and make it not move!" Angel said as he looked at the spider and got closer to it.

Husk looked at him then at the spider. He pulls out a book while Angel talks to the spider. When suddenly the spider fell on the desk and it made angel scream.

"HUSK IT FELL CAN YOU FIND IT?!?!" Angel sounded worry as the spider just sat on the desk looking at angel.

"Anthony, the spider is called a peacock jumping spider, and it's a male." Husk tells the other and gets a small container with an environment inside.

"How can you tell it's a male? Does it have a penis?" Angel looked very interested.

"Um, no, if you look at its adimin, he will raise it up and dance." Husk said, putting the spider in the enclosure.

"I WANNA SEE!" Just as angel said that the spider did its dance and angel watched happily.


The picture at the top/on the first page is what a peacock spider looks like! You're welcome and love ya all byeee

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