15~ ED

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Sorry if I spelled the name wrong but thank you for the suggestion I know EDs are not fun to have and there's different types and if anyone is dealing with it please talk to someone and know you will get through it!!


"Hey Anthony, tonight Is date night," Husk said.

"Okay, I'll be getting ready." Angel said.

As Angel got his clothes and went to the bathroom, he took off his shirt and looked in the body mirror. His ribcage is prominent, and his spine showed, but yet he still thinks he needs to stop eating. He looked at himself for a while, and all he saw was imperfection and insecurities.

After about 10 minutes of looking at himself, he put a body suit on and boots, and he started his makeup. And before he knew it, his date came and knocked on the door right as Angel finished.

"Hey whiskers," Angel said, sounding happy.

"You look amazing, Anthony." Husk said, and Angel took his hand.

"Ready to go?" Husk asked. Angel nodded, and they were on their way to a nice restaurant.


Hehehe, just wait!!!

After about a few weeks, I finally got it done!

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