Lucky one ~Tzuyu

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Y/n PoV:
Stretching your hands you finally laid down on your bed,after packing your bag which almost took you two hours. Just then you saw your phone ring, you immediately answered it "hello y/n, you done packing?" You heard your best friend,Lily ask you to which you answered "yup just now" and you heard her hum "I'll drop you off tomorrow morning okie" she said "thank you so much bestiee, even tho you don't need to take this trouble" she sighed before answering "shut up I'm not able to join you anyway I want to join you so badly though" even though you're not able to see her you can imagine her pouting,
Well you were actually going to twice concert in Las Vegas and you were so excited to attend this because this was your first time attending their concert also a little sad your best friend won't be able to join you,

After talking to her for a while you went to sleep as you had to wake up early.

Next morning:
You woke up early and got ready to leave as Lily was also here to pick you up, after a little drive you reached the airport "have fun y/n" send me the picture and videos you'll be taking of the girls, oh especially jihyo" she reminded you which only made you laugh making you nod, "okay then Lily I've to go I'll meet you in a week" you hugged her before going in.

After a 5 hour flight you finally reached Las Vegas,taking a taxi you also reached the hotel you were about to go to the reception to check in when you thought you saw Tzuyu from twice 'eh I'm probably seeing things because I'm tired' you shrugged it off and went to get your keys,but your (un)luck there was a creepy guy, he was one of the staff tho "I'll show you your room ma'am" he said giving you a creepy smile "uh it's fine I'll go on my own" you tried to just go but you saw him follow you,so you quickly got into the elevator before he gets in and press the random floor but when the doors of the elevator were about to close the worker got in, when the elevator stoped on a random floor you quickly got out of the elevator,ran to the corner and knocked on the first door you see you were looking back to see if the worker was still there but thankfully he didn't catched up to you yet, you heard the door open and you were still looking behind you "I'm so sorry to bother-" you finally looked infront of you to see Tzuyu from twice,and your bias,you quickly bowed down and apologised to her 'I'm so sorry to bother I didn't know it was your room I'll go now' you told her in Korean , you were actually Korean but moved to New York to complete your studies so you can speak Korean,you were about to turn around but you saw that creepy worker coming in your direction, you sighed but you felt someone holding your hand and you were pulled inside a room, you saw Tzuyu taking you into her room "Tzuyu-shi" you called her out before she closed the door 'I figured you were in trouble'

(Sentences in single quotes are in Korean)

You gave her a light nod 'you can sit down miss?' She asked you 'oh yeah it's y/n' you replied back,sitting down on the couch and she sat across you on a chair before asking you 'was that worker troubling you?' She questioned you,to which you nodded before responding 'I kind of felt weird about him and then he started following me so I got creeped out' she gave a light nod understanding your problem 'well you can sit here until he really leaves this floor' she noticed you were a little nervous so she decided to change the topic 'you were shocked when you recognised me, are you a once?' To which you nodded, 'yeah I am  a once,I actually came to tomorrow's concert' you said tucking your hair behind your ear as you were a little embarrassed 'we're really thankful to all of you guys,we really appreciate you all' she said giving you a smile 'no actually we're all thankful to you guys, for everything honestly' you said laughing a little 'you came here alone' she asked you after a short silence to which you nodded 'my friend wanted to join too but couldn't get the tickets so here I am' you looked at your wrist watch to see it was 11pm 'oh I should leave now,sorry for troubling you' you said Boeing  'oh no it's totally okay,let me see if he is gone' she headed out to see if he was gone 'yeah he is gone now' she said coming inside to which you bowed 'it was so good talking to you Tzuyu-shi' you said and got out of the room 'yeah same here the members would've loved talking to you,maybe we'll run into each other again' you laughed before finally bidding bye , you went to room trying to sleep.

Next morning:
You woke and got ready to get breakfast downstairs,you were getting your breakfast when you bumped into someone "oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you" you looked up "wow am I the chosen one" you thought to yourself  'it's okay' it was Jeongyeon ,there was an other voice 'Jeongyeon unnie all the others are at the table-oh y/n-shi' tzuyu walked out to call Jeongyeon,you gave her a smile and bowed down 'oh she is the one you were talking about' Jeongyeon smiled at you and you bowed down at her as well, 'oh y/n, do you wanna sit with us' Jeongyeon asked you 'ah-well if the others are comfortable' you said a little nervous 'of course y/n' ,you walked with them to their table and saw all the members  'guys she's y/n' tzuyu introduced you to them, they all smiled at you, 'nice to meet you,tzuyu talked quite a bit about you' Dahyun said giving you the sweetest smile.
You all just talked a bit until it was time for them to leave,  when Mina asked you 'oh yeah y/n do you want to come to the backstage after the concert tonight'

It was the longest one so far, hope you like this !

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