Let's get that License

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While all the young heroes were asleep, All Might, Black Canary and Endeavor would be discussing the situation and what's going on. Currently, they were in the Monitoring Room, having a discussion. On the monitor, images of the Chimera were shown, even if they weren't aware of its name. However, they were aware that this monster was not only artificial, but it used the people it pulled in as a way to utilize Quirks.

"What do you think? Do you think it's from the Eclipse? It's completely artificial." All Might questioned. "But all the monsters I encountered from them so far have all been as real and organic as they can be."

"It's strange. It's not made of flesh and bone, but it was able to absorb Quirks." Black Canary added, looking at the monster. "If that's true, then this is a whole new ballpark. Not only can they create monsters, but they're creating super soldiers.

"That's the only logical explanation. But I'm sure there's a lot more to it." Monsoon remarked.

"Hm..." All Might crossed his arms, looking at the Chimera. "So, is this the work of a villain?"

"It might be the Eclipse again. We just don't have the answer yet." Monsoon replied.

"If it is the Eclipse, then they're shaping up to be way more than a nuisance." Black Canary narrowed her eyes, glaring at the Chimera. "We have a lot of questions and not enough answers. But one thing's for certain. They're up to no good and have the potential to be a threat."

"There's a good chance that they have enough numbers to be around the entire world already. They could be anywhere, hiding out and preparing for their next move." All Might added, his eyes narrowing. The Eclipse was now shaping up to something to keep an eye out for. If they could even find out where they were. 


A new day arose. The Sun shined down on another city in America known as Townsville, a bright and sunny day for the people living here in this clean-aired location. 

However, today was not exactly off to the most calming start

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However, today was not exactly off to the most calming start. This city, was currently facing a villain attack this early in the morning and it was by a rather strange-looking character.

"Yes, yes! Dance for me! Dance for the Wacky Waver!" The villain in question was a man by the name of Wacky Wave. A villainous figure clad in a costume resembling the inflatable tube men often seen outside car dealerships and shopping malls. He has a wild, frenetic energy and moves with exaggerated, erratic motions. His face was covered with a mask and goggles.

Using his power, he would control and animate inanimate objects, particularly those of a flimsy or flexible nature, such as inflatable tube men, banners, and flags. He can bring them to life, imbuing them with a semblance of sentience and using them as minions to carry out his bidding.

"Hehehahahaha! Dance for me! Yes, dance! Dance!" Wacky Waver had created multiple inflatable tube men, controlling and manipulating them like puppets. Using their arms, the inflatables would grab at the people, attempting to harm them.

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