Pocket Light

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Gwen's eyes were focused, the heroine having her hands raised, holding the barrier that kept the transformed civilians trapped. Despite being inside, they didn't look happy, banging their fists on the barrier, wanting to get out and attack.

They wanted nothing more than to attack the young heroine, wanting to tear her limb from limb. However, their attempts were in vain as Gwen maintained her concentration. "Hang in there. This won't last for long." She reassured herself, trying to stay calm.

Meanwhile, on the other side of things, Beast Boy and Kid Flash were dealing with the Eclipse Members, who were responsible for the devices and their ability to turn people into Monsters. But the problem was that the Eclipse had a countermeasure.

The Data Dog. With the power to copy anything that could emit a soundwave, it could change into various devices and machines. Right now, it was a large black cube, floating in the air, emitting a red glow. "You wanna stop our plans? Then go right ahead." The Lizard Man spoke, smirking at the two. "It's not like this won't be a problem for us. Because we have a failsafe."

"Failsafe?" Beast Boy raised a brow. He then saw how the Data Dog was being carried away by the other Eclipse Member. Two would stay behind and deal with them while the other two would keep their distance, heading elsewhere.

"Now, I believe we'll take care of you all ourselves." The Lizard Man raised his hands, showing off his palms. "You got in our way the last two times. Not this time. You kids should mind your business. You'll just make things harder for yourselves."

"Yeah." The other Eclipse Member with the barbed tail nodded his head, a large metal ball in his hands. "Young Heroes should stay out of things such as this. Especially when we're going to be the ones to usher in the new generation. Not you kids."

"Says you." Beast Boy scoffed. "We didn't even know you guys existed until recently. Where'd you eve come from? Are you the bad guys the news was talking about?"

"The Villains? Hah. Don't make us laugh. We're far from that." The Lizard Man would say, a smirk on his face. "We consider ourselves above villains. Because soon, we will be the ones who rule the world. Ushering a new age of monsters, where all life is-"

"Just interrupt them! I can't keep this thing up!" Gwen yelled at her teammates, pointing out how she couldn't endlessly keep this magic blockade up. "If I have to use anymore magic, I'll run out of power and they'll all go wild!"

"Right." Kid Flash nodded his head, his eyes glancing at Beast Boy. Kid Flash would zip to the side while Beast Boy would take the form of a hawk, flying straight at the Lizard Man with his talons bearing. The Lizard Man was ready, swinging his tail towards the young hero, only for him to dodge.

"Whoa!" The bird cried out, avoiding the tail. He would fly past him, attempting to claw at his face. However, the second his talons met his face, the impact was weak, almost feeling like he was clawing at a rock.

The Lizard Man's scales were durable enough to take that direct hit, even with the strength behind Beast Boy's attack. The Lizard Man would grab his face, pulling the young hero away. Beast Boy was now in the clutches of this Lizard Man, who was strong enough to hold him. And as a hawk, this most definitely didn't help since he was much smaller.

"You already fit the bill for the Eclipse, boy." The Lizard Man spoke, holding him tightly. "Why don't you join us right away? If you do, you'll become much stronger. Strong enough to defeat all of these so-called Heroes."

"N-No thanks! KF! Gwen!" Beast Boy cried out, kicking his feet, trying to break free. Right on time, Kid Flash, who was actually nowhere to be seen at the moment by the two Eclipse Members, would sneak up from behind, running around the area at top speeds, tackling the back of the Lizard Man with his best strength.

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