Chapter 4 & 5 Leo's Story

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{So there isn't any confusion, chapter 4 is the same as chapter 4 in Liam's trial. Chapter 5 picks up after that. I wanted to put them together here.}

Leo- Today we are here to celebrate my brother Liam Rys. A man that was once a boy. He had faults like any of us. He wasn't perfect, none of us are. He wasn't always filled with rage and selfishness. In fact when I think of Liam, I think of him kind hearted when we were kids. Playing, laughing and having fun.

We didn't have the best childhood, as you can imagine having a King for a father was rough. I think that's where my need for wanting to leave Cordonia came from. I think once I left, my brother stepped up with a heavy weight on his shoulders.

I'm not excusing his actions and bad behavior, I'm just trying to give a different look at the Liam I knew and loved. He was a father, his children would probably tell you that he wasn't good at it. In fact I know he repeated some of my fathers same mistakes.

Liam took a dark path that led him to where he is. I do believe that he is at peace. I now ask if there is anyone that would like to share a good memory about Liam? Or maybe a goodbye statement?

**Olivia steps up

Oli- Leo, I am so very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you and his family must be going through right now. I feel for Liam's children and I've been exactly where you are now. I want to reach out to you and say, if there is ever anything you should need, let me know. You have Lythikos behind you!

Liam and I were very close once and I will miss him. Many times Liam reached out to me for advice, but he never took it. We can't stop someone from making their own path, we can only help them when they ask for it. Liam, I feel as if I failed you and I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Rest In Peace, I love you!

Maddie- I remember when I was supposed to marry Liam and we were happy. Young and dumb as some would say. Liam, I know in the past few years we didn't agree or get along, but I still cared for you. I hope you're finally at peace.

Priest- If nobody else has anything they'd like to say, we'll move on. As we lay Liam to rest, I'll say a few words. Dear God, we are here to lay our brother, friend, King and son to rest. We ask that you take him in your arms and keep him there. We ask that you forgive him, a child of yours. Thank you God for letting us have him for a short time. Rest Easy Liam!

*They lower him into the ground and you hear Leo sobbing, saying "I love you little brother, forgive me, for I failed you."

They each lay a white rose on top of his grave and leave. Melanie (Leo's girlfriend) walks him to the limo. Once everyone has cleared, a woman appears..

Zayda- Oh Liam, I did love you, but you hurt me. I believed all your lies. The night of the gala you told me that you and I didn't have a future, hurt me. And I know that you didn't care. You only saw me as your mistress and that's it. I was just a play thing to you. You thought I died that night, but I didn't. Here I am, alive and pregnant with your child. Which is why I had to escape and take the opportunity that came.

I had to do it. You didn't give me a choice.

*Leo walks up behind her*

Leo- Do what?! What exactly did you do?!

*Zayda is startled by him, she takes a deep breath..

Zayda- Leo, I'm sorry.. I..

Leo- You killed him?

Zayda- I only meant to scare him, not kill him.

Leo- He hurt you?

Zayda- Yes, badly.

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