Chapters 12, 13 and 14

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Chapter 12 Nurse Stone on the Way!

Back home after a trip home in NY, Hailey finally wears down the jet lag and heads back to work. The hospital is especially busy with people being sick and hurt. One of the nurses says there is a man waiting in exam room 1 with a knife wound.

Hailey-> "Hello! I am Nurse Stone, I'll be looking at your wound." Matt-> "Hi. This isn't anything to fuss over. King Maxwell suggested I get it looked at." Hailey-> "Oh, I thought your name looked familiar." Matt-> "Yes, I'm the new Constable. We were training and one of the officers got a little carried away." Hailey-> "I guess you're taking my brother's place?" Matt-> "Oh Parker is your brother? Well he was good, but soft. Cordonia needed someone tougher, no offense." Hailey-> "So you think you can do the job?" Matt-> "Heh, of course I can."

*Hailey looks at the wound and Matt is right it's not too bad. She starts to give him a local for the pain and he stops her. She asks why.. Hailey-> "Don't you want something for the pain? I've got to clean it and stitch you back together." Matt-> "No ma'am, pain doesn't hurt." *Hailey smiles and starts cleaning then stitching and Matt never moves. Not even a twitch. After she's finished, he gets dressed and asks "I've been here for about a week and I'm having trouble finding a good place to eat, any suggestions?" Hailey blushes because she knows he's asking her out. She replies "As matter of fact I do. I have a favorite diner, "Belle's Diner." it's the best." Matt waits around not saying anything, finally he asks her to join him and she says yes.

Several hours after Hailey's shift she returns home to freshen up before her date. It's been a while since she's been on a serious date. She used to date a footballer named Chris Powell (The Freshman). She loved Chris so much, he was there through so many of the dark days Hailey faced. After graduating HS, Hailey had been diagnosed with cancer. She faced it like a lion and came out of it cancer free. Although there is a chance that it can return, she's hopeful that that day will never come.

She and Chris dated for almost 5 years. Chris wanted to get married and have kids. The chances of Hailey getting pregnant were very slim to do the treatment she got during having cancer.

So she explained that, but Chris still wanted her to be with him and travel to his games. She wanted to be a doctor and couldn't do both. They tried to be together, while apart but it didn't work out. Hailey went to college and got her Master's Degree and is a nurse practitioner. They broke up last year and she hasn't found anyone that really has a spark, until now. Hailey gets ready and as she begins to leave she receives a text from Chris "Hey I'm in town, let's get together."

Will this complicate things??

Chapter 13 Ghosts and Letting Go

Max-> "Mom? It can't be.. You died.." Anna- Oh Maxwell, I've missed you so much!!! I have so much to tell you, but not now, not here!" Max-> "This isn't real, I've had too much to drink..." Anna-> "Maxwell, I just wanted to say that I love you and I'm so proud of the man you've become. But I have to warn you, there is trouble coming..."

Max-> "Wha...What do you mean?!" Anna-> "Maxwell, listen to me, you can't tell anyone that I'm here, that I'm alive. Please..."

*Maxwell walks over to touch her but Riley comes up behind him and she sneaks away.

Riley- "Maxwell are you okay?" Max- "yeah, yeah just a little tired I.. I guess." Riley- "Why don't we go back to the party and say our goodbyes and you can get some rest."

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