Chapters 15 and 16

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Chapter 15: What Happened to Hana?

It has been quite some time since Hana has been in the public eye. For those that don't know her story, here is a recap.. This Chapter is a flashback. It takes place before Maxwell's Coronation (chapter 11)

Hana married Aysa and they have 2 kids, a daughter named Michelle & a son named Noa. They moved to Averness after the attacks last year that killed her mother. After settling into a new life in Averness, things start to take a change for Hana and Aysa. They started arguing more, Aysa pushing Hana away. Things were getting worse. Hana was at a loss on how to fix it.

Aysa finally told Hana that she wanted a divorce that she doesn't want to be married anymore. Several months fighting over the kids, the divorce is final and Hana shares custody over the kids. The last few months have been hard for Hana, not having her kids with her and not having the support of her friends.

When Hana left, she no longer had that support from the gang. She needed them and was so happy when Maxwell offered her a job and asked her to return. But that happiness will be short lived. Her ex wife Aysa isn't happy with her leaving the kids behind.

Hana-> "Aysa, I just got a call from Maxwell and he has asked me to join his council." Aysa-> "But we agreed that we would NEVER return to Cordonia, you promised me as much!" Hana-> "I know, but Cordonia has always been my home and Liam is dead, Maxwell is King and things are so much better and they continue to get better. It will be a safe place for us to return." Aysa-> "NO! NO! WE aren't going anywhere!" Hana-> "Aysa, please listen to me. I need to do this. I want to do this. We will be safe!" Aysa-> "Is your mother safe?!?! Look at where she is!!"

**Hana turns away with tears in her eyes. The death of her mother is still painful.**

Hana-> "Aysa, my mother died under Liam's ruling. Maxwell isn't Liam. We know him, he's one of the most kind and humble men I know. He has always been a close friend and he always will be. I want to do this, especially for my mother." Aysa-> "If you go, it will be without us." Hana-> "So you're gonna take my family away from me?" Aysa-> "I'm not taking anything, you'll be walking away." Hana-> "I'm going and I'll be taking my kids with me, you can come or you can stay. It's up to you!"

**Aysa leaves in anger, hating the position that Hana has put her in, but she knows that Hana can't return without her and she isn't about to let Hana take her kids. Aysa agrees to continue shared custody, but the kids have to stay away from the public and can never be at the palace.

Several weeks have passed and Hana has finally arrived in Cordonia. Hana feels happy to be home again. She settled in, unpacking, thinking of what the next day will bring. There's a knock at their door... it's none other than Maxwell..

Maxwell-> "Hana, it is so good to see you!" [they embrace in a hug]. I've missed you so much!!! Oh, [Maxwell looks around] where are the kids? And Aysa?

**Hana offers Maxwell a drink and they have a seat on the sofa. Hana begins to tell Maxwell what's been happening. Aysa uses the kids to get what she wants from Hana. Trying to exclude Hana from the kids' lives. Since Hana isn't biologically the kid's mother, Aysa had leverage from Hana to get more money. Hana breaks into tears and Maxwell makes a quick text and gives Hana a tight hug. Maxwell asks Hana if she has a laptop or tablet he can use. She finds it odd but lets him use hers. Maxwell sets it up and appears, the old gang. Drake, Maggie, Riley, Bertrand and Olivia.

Hana– Oh guys! I've missed you all so much!

Maggie- We've missed you too Hana! Drake- Ditto

Bert- I for one can say that the absence of Hana has been... lonely.

Hana- Bert, I didn't know you felt that way.

Bert- You have always been kind to me Hana, I did miss hearing about the panda babies.

Riley- I'm glad your back Hana!!! I vote we all get together and have a hot chocolate sleepover!! Like the old days!!

Olivia- I refuse to wear anything that doesn't have hidden pockets where I can hide my knives.

Drake- It's a sleepover Olivia, not a war.

Olivia- One can never be too sure.

Hana- I love this idea, thank you all so much!!

**Hana tells them what has happened and they all agree that Aysa has done Hana wrong and if there is anything they can do to help. Well except for one.. Olivia-> "I can arrange for your kids to return and Aysa to disappear.."

**No surprise on that. Maxwell promised to do what he could to help Hana have her kids to return to Cordonia. Hana is legally their mother, but she only has shared custody with Aysa. She's limited on what she can do. They all agree to get together soon. It did Hana good seeing her old friends. They all hang up and Hana and Maxwell carry on talking about her new job. 

Chapter 16 First Date & Old Lovers

It's Hailey's first date with Matt. She was home getting ready and so excited about her date until she got a text from her old boyfriend Chris. Avoiding him, she finishes getting ready and leaves for her date.

Arriving at the restaurant, Matt is already there and seated. She walks to their table and Matt stands to greet her "My gosh you look beautiful!!" Hailey starts to blush and replies "You don't look so bad yourself." They are seated and give the waiter their order. They start to talk and tell each other about who they are and what they do.

Matt-> "Yeah, so I moved here from California. I needed a change after my girlfriend died."

Hailey-> "Wow, I am so sorry for your loss."

Matt-> "So what brings you here?"

Hailey-> "I moved here after getting my nursing degree. My sister lives here with her family. I was in NY and I was alone. I wanted to be near my family so I moved here. My father and stepmother also live nearby."

Matt-> "Oh really? It's nice that you have a family. I literally have no one here. I was actually pretty happy that we met." Hailey-> "Oh really? I couldn't tell. You seemed a bit grumpy." Matt-> "It definitely wasn't you. I do that sometimes, I'll push people away to avoid getting hurt. I am sorry for that." Hailey-> "It's okay. I actually understand where you are coming from. I've been hurt too. My ex and I were supposed to get married, but things happened and he left." Matt-> "I'm sorry to hear that, but his loss."

*They carry on, eating and talking. Hailey is trying hard to focus on Matt, but she keeps getting texts from Chris.

*Chris- Will you please answer me?!?!*

Matt has to step away to answer a call so Hailey decides to text Chris back.

Hailey-> "What do you want Chris??" Chris-> "I want to meet" Hailey-> "I can't, Chris I've moved on and you need to do the same." Chris-> "Oh, actually that's why I am texting you. I didn't want to do this over the phone, but I've gotten married."

{Hailey sits there for a minute and thinks about what Chris just said} Just then Matt returns and asks if Hailey is okay, she asks if they could leave and go for a walk.

While they are walking Hailey tells Matt of her sickness she faced and all about Chris. He takes her by the hand and tells her that he doesn't care that he is falling hard for her. Hailey decides to congratulate Chris and wish him well.

A few months later, Hailey and Matt are still together, spending a lot of time together. Falling deeper and deeper in love with each other. Matt's job is very demanding, but he works hard at spending every waking moment together. They both are closer than they ever thought they could be with someone.

This love story will continue later on....

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