Chapter 7 Family Trip ~ Drake

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Drake- So you're really leaving?

Mag- Oh Drake, We'll be back before you know it! You could always come with us.

Dr- Hard pass. Your mother hates me. Besides, I have some things I need to take care of here.

Mag- She doesn't hate you, but she doesn't get your grumpiness sometimes.

Dr- I'm not grumpy..

Mag- Says it while being grumpy..

*Just then Sophia {their daughter} runs in and jumps on the bed*

Soph- When are we leaving?!

Mag- Sophia, I just folded those!

Dr- Come here lil bunny! Mama is packing your bags.

Soph- Are you coming daddy?

Dr- Not this time baby.

Soph- Is it because grandma hates you??

*Maggie looks up at Sophia**

Mag- Grandma doesn't hate your dad.

Dr- I told you! (Drake laughs and picks up Sophia)

Soph- If daddy doesn't go, I'm not going either!

Mag- Great, Drake....

Drake- Sophia, you'll have a great time at grandma's!

Soph- NO!

Drake- Sophia...

Soph- No! I ain't goin!

Maggie- She is so much like you!

Drake- That's a bad thing?

Maggie- Never! She has that grumpy gene! (maggie laughs)

Soph- Pleeeeeasssee daddy!!?? Come with us!! (begging on her knees on the bed)

Drake- uhhh, okay I'll come, but I can't promise I won't be grumpy!

Mag- Oh my mom will love that!!

Soph- YAAAAAZZZZZZZ!!! Daddy, make me fly like a plane!!

*Drake flies her around the room above his head and they are both making airplane noises as they exit the bedroom.

Later, they all leave for their trip to New York. They board the plane without any issues. After being on the plane for hours, Sophia and Theo become very fussy.

Theo- Whaaaaa

Soph- Daddy, I hate this plane

Drake- I know, I do too. We'll be there soon sweetie. Let's play a game. I spy.

*Sophia lights up and they start playing a game while Maggie tries to quiet Theo. A few more hours later, they finally landed in New York! Hailey (Maggie's sister) is already there and picks them up at the airport.

Hail- Oh! Drake I'm surprised to see you here! Mama will be so pleased!

*Drake rolls his eyes. After a long drive, they finally arrive at Susan's (Maggie's mom) house.

Susan- Oh!! Finally!! I'm so happy to see....

*But before she finishes she sees Drake exit the car.

Susan- Maggie, what is he doing here? I thought it was just going to be the three of you?!

Mag- Mama, you need to get used to Drake, he's not going anywhere and he's the father of your grandchildren.

Susan- Fine, fine. I'll behave!

*They unload the car and go inside. Susan doesn't like Drake because of his ties with the late King Liam and because he's not a full America. Susan thinks that Drake isn't good enough for her daughter, but most mother's think that about their children.

They settle in and prepare for dinner.

Susan- Oh Maggie, I forgot to tell you who I saw yesterday! I saw Mark! You remember him don't you?!

Mag- Yes I do.

*Susan looks at Drake..

Susan- Mark was Maggie's fiance!

Drake- yes I know.

Susan- I was so sure that they'd get married.

Hail- Mama, why are you doing this?! Maggie is happy with Drake!

Susan- Hmph.

Maggie- Thanks Hailey. Mama, What happened between Mark & I was a long time ago. I have no plans on ever seeing him again. I am happy with Drake and love my life.

Drake- Susan, I know where Maggie's heart is. I have hers and she has mine. Nobody can ever come between us!!

Susan- [ignoring Drake] Well I have invited Mark to lunch with us tomorrow!!

Mag- You what?! You need to cancel tomorrow, especially if you want us to stay.

*What is Susan up to??? 

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