Episode 1 Part 2

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Charlie took Vaggie aside as everyone kind worked to accept what seemed to be going on right now. Most people just sat silent, drinking their liquor. Even Angel Dust was significantly more quiet than he would normally be, looking off to the side as though lost. Once they were away enough to whisper without being heard, Charlie released the gentle clasp on her girlfriend's wrist. Keeping her tone hushed, she spoke, "Vaggiieeee~! There is so much opportunity here!"

She got a fond smile in return, "Charlie... Just don't get too far ahead of yourself. We should definitely see everything that your... Grandfather wants to show us, before we make any type of choices, okay?"

The blonde nodded, her body shaking with the enthusiastic force of it.

Now, more hesitantly, Vaggie leaned in, "Charlie... What's up with your dad? Doesn't he seem a little... Off?"

Charlie looked down to the right, her excitement draining as she played with her jacket's sleeves. "Sometimes dad can just... Be like that? Ever since Mom left, he's been really sad about it. Usually, he just stays in his room and creates small things, but even that doesn't seem to make him feel better anymore. I'm worried, Vaggie."

Vaggie pulled her girlfriend in for a hug, running a comforting hand down her smooth blonde hair. "It'll be okay, Charlie. Let's try our best to help him snap out of it then!"

There were fierce noddes of agreement made against her shoulder.

Suddenly, a cane tapped them both on the shoulder, drawing their attention to the Radio Demon. He stood there with his hands now behind his back, a yellow grin sharp against the grey of the room. Ears flopped to the side as he notched his head to the right. "Do excuse me for interrupting your rather public display of affection. I was hoping to spend a moment actually speaking with my soon-to-be business partner."

Vaggie glared at the demon.

Alastor glanced down at her without tilting his head, and he thought that this particular habit of legitimately looking down on people made him look smug. The little reaction that Vaggie gave made it quite worth it as her snarl deepened.

"Vaggie... It's okay," Assured Charlie as the blonde turned toward the Radio Demon and faced him full-on. Her eyes sparked with that determination that Alastor knew they would soon would be seeing snuffed out on a television box, "I'm Charlie Morningstar, I'm glad that we get to work together soon!"

The blonde snuck her hand forward, offering a handshake.

Alastor hadn't shaken hands outside of deal-making in quite some time. Even then, it had always been a distasteful part of the act for him. For a moment, he considered waving the hand away, but knowing that he would need to be near this blonde, he reluctantly reached forward and clasped hands. Her shake was firm, speaking to her character, and her hands were not clammy to the touch. It was still quite distasteful, but he had been through worse touches.

"May we have a profitable future, my dear~!" Alastor declared to Charlie, before offering Vaggie a little wage of the fingers as he walked away and back toward the sofa.

The King continued pacing until he seemed to run out of gas and moved back to the couch himself. He slid down the length of it with a depressive groan, put his hands over his eyes, and pressed the heel of his wrists into his eyes. The pressure relieved some of the building migraines—but not the deep lethargy that continued to creep at his spine.

"If I say something embarrassin' I expect all ya'll to keep it in the highest of confidence!" Angel finally groaned out, fully accepting the situation himself as he sipped at his bottle.

A break could only last so long, and it seemed that, whether due to the power of the Big-G himself or simply because they had all glanced back toward the TV, the 'show' restarted itself.

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