Episode 2 Part 1

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Alastor adored the chaos that seemed to have overtaken everyone at the site of the headless angel. Theories quickly flooded his mind, the most likely being that it was made possible by an angelic weapon. It wasn't something you could just go around and test, but—yes, Carmilla, perhaps? Though, if it was just done through an angelic weapon, it wasn't a factor of power.

That meant that anyone could kill an exorcist.

It was an intriguing idea; Alastor simply had to chuckle to himself.

Of course, Alastor had his own ways of dealing with angels. Many of the Overlords employed protective measures. Shields, for example, were something that Alastor had tested many times in the past. A rather fascinating set of sigils stopped them in their tracks. He had also long since had a theory that consuming an exorcist would likely work as well, so long as you dealt with their nasty little weapons before you gulped them down.

He had been contemplating testing this on the subsequent extermination.

Plus... The taste of angel? Alastor just simply had to know.

"How did something like that happen, and someone didn't claim credit for it?" Angel asked, his different-coloured eyes still wide, staring at the screen.

Their King signed and ran a hand down his face as he slid down the sofa, "Why can't you Sinners just --" He cut himself off with a scoff, "-- FUCK, you always make it worse on yourselves..."

"Dad...?" Charlie asked.

She didn't get a response.

Husker looked off to the side, muttering his own theories to himself. Alastor took the initiative to listen using his shadow, "... be a hellborne demon of some sort... Goetia..."

Solid theory, Alastor had to admit, though somehow he doubted that to be the case, especially after their King's reaction to the sight.

"I know this is shocking news to us all, but the only way we can find out more is by seeing more of the information we have been provided," Charlie suddenly spoke up, her eyes shining with determination as she spoke to them. Alastor blinked, a little surprised by the forwardness of their Princess, and he could tell many others were as well.

Vaggie looked at Charlie with a determined nod, hiding her fears behind the sight of her lover's unwillingness to flinch, "Yeah, what Charlie said. Let's get more information!"

Charlie was passing around the room, waving her hands around with nervous energy, "Okay, so the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year. It's not a big deal! Just a little setback, nothing we can't handle. Just exterminator's cutting our timetable in half, but who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right? And next time, when they cut the time in half again and again-" Charlie ran both her hands down her face, panic starting to work its way into her voice, "-We'll just handle it! Am I right?!"

"To be frank wit'cha, I don't think this counts as a little setback," Angel rolled his eyes. The spider demon paused for a moment, considering how his words sounded - cruel, in a word. Not that he felt bad over it! Obviously, he didn't! It was just a little uncalled for, considering Charlie was already going through it.

Charlie baulked, Angel noticed, but she seemed to recover fast enough when Vaggie beamed at her.

Angel looked at her with a raised eyebrow as he clicked through his phone, watching as Vaggie stood up and spoke to her stressing girlfriend calmly, grabbing her shoulders and bringing Charlie in closer, "Yes, we will."

"Oh please, ya had less than half a chance when you started with all this salvation bullshit. Now? Ain't no silver linin' in view, Toots." Angel bit his lip as text messages flooded his phone before moulding his expression to something more relaxed.

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