Chapter 1?

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Someones Pov:
'"You're worthless you know that right?"throwing me onto the ground of my room, the only that was able to come out of my mouth was "sorry", I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry, pleading for her to stop.She gives me a look that shook me to the core and leaves.

Not being able to sleep thinking of worthless I am I can't help but feel sorry for the people who are even close to me. I try to clear my head but the same thoughts just keep coming back my eyes begin to tear up until I fell asleep
I wake up at about 5am and go to the bathroom to get ready for my day making sure not to wake anyone up. I look at my self in the mirror and think about how horrible I look , trying to ignore my thoughts I go and take a bath in ice cold water.
When I am done I dress myself and eat a piece of bread and head to school.'

No ones pov:
The bell rings for registration and everyone gets to their seats, Kichiro Sora,a first year in a Japanese high school, is dozed out sketching some stuff into his notebook until someone enters the room.A tall boy with long black hair and a darkish skin tone.
Sora- 'I haven't seen him around here before, is he new?'
Teacher- "Alright settle down class.As you may know, we have a new student us. You also may have heard that he's not from around here, so please make him feel welcome.
The teacher turns to the boy and asks him to introduce himself.
New kid- "Oh um..My name is Hishikawa Kiyoshi,"he says nervously"I recently moved here from Canada because my mother found a job here.I'm not exactly fluent in Japanese but I am in English and French, so it would be nice if you could speak to me in either of those..I hope we can have a great year together."he bows and looks back at the teacher.
Teacher- "Hmm... Okay your seat is next to Kichiro and points at him.Kiyoshi takes his seat while Sora glances at him from his seat.

-After school-

After school Sora was walking to his job near by until he noticed the his new classmate petting his manager's cat on the side walk and accidentally said "NEW KID!"out loud. Kiyoshi looks up in confusion.
Kiyoshi- "Sorry who are you?"
Sora- "Kichiro Sora.."
Kiyoshi makes a face*
Sora- "Seriously!?I sit next to you in class!!"
Kiyoshi- "Oh..."
Sora looks at the cat,"Mii-chan seems to like you a lot"he says with a friendly smile
"Mii?"Kiyoshi asks with a confused face
Sora realizes that he is confused and tells him that Mii-chan is his managers cat.
Kiyoshi-"Oh...,hey can I ask you a quick question?"he says nervously
Sora- "Sure!"
Kiyoshi- "What do you do?"
Sora- "Oh, my job?I work in an art store, I often make stuff-"
Kiyoshi interrupts him and asks how much it pays with a gleam of hope in his eyes.Sora doesn't understand the question at first and asks him what he means.
Kiyoshi- "Oh. Sorry I'm looking for a job right now.I was planning on looking for one tomorrow but.."
Sora- "Well if you're looking for a job I can ask my manager if she can arrange something for you"
Kiyoshi- "Really!"he says happily.
Sora- "Oh come on it's not that big of a deal."he says with a smile
Kiyoshi thanks him and they walk to the store which was near by.

-At the Art Store-

Sora goes to the art store which is called, ArtsNook, and talks to the manager about hiring Kiyoshi.
Manager-"*sigh*Sure, I don't see why not.We've been looking for more people to work here anyway."
After a while of discussion, documentation and paper work Kiyoshi finally got the job.

Manager-"Hey newbie, you got anything to do right now?"
Kiyoshi-"Not really"
Manager-"Good cause I got a job for you,"as she goes through some documents"I need you to deliver these  stuff to someone.I'll get you the location."
Sora-"And I'll come with you!Just incase they get mad."he says with a smile.
Manager-"Sora's first job the client got mad and he didn't have anyone to help him."she said,holding in a snicker

After they get the job done Sora asks Kiyoshi if he wants to walk home together and he agrees.

word count- 766

this is my first time doing this so I have no idea what I'm doing

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