Chapter 4????

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'Kiyoshi's pov'

'Sora and I have been friends for quite a while now and seemed to have grown close. It has been about a month and a half since i moved to Japan but it felt like it's been only a few days because of him. I stated being a bit more social(to others it seems be no different on how he was before except Sora).And I feel that I found my purpose in life once again.I never thought that I would meet someone like him but I'm glad I did.
Exams are coming soon too. Maybe I should ask Sora if we can study together but he doesn't really seem to be interested in working that much..'

Right now it's lunch and I'm eating lunch by myself because Sora had to run some errands. I went to the bathroom and when I was walking back to class I bumped into someone and her books fell.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry"she seem rather scared. "No, it's my fault I wasn't paying attention"I say while helping her take up the books as

She introduces herself as Aomori Manami.I've never noticed her before.I don't think she in my class.

Kiyoshi-"Where are you carrying these books to?It's rather much"
Manami-"I'm taking them to the library, a teacher asked me to bring them there"
Kiyoshi-"What class are you in? If you don't mind me asking"
Kiyoshi-"I'm in 1-A.That's the class next to mine right? No wonder I haven't seen you before."
Manami-"Ya, it makes sense. I've never leave the classroom at lunch before unless I'm doing a favor."
Kiyoshi-"You eat by yourself?"
Manami-"Ya..,about that where's that guy whose always around you?"
Kiyoshi-"....Sora? He has some errands to run"

We walk to the library to drop off the books and back to the classroom(1-B)
"Do you wanna sit with me?"she asks

I say yes because I basically finished my lunch and didn't really have anything to do.We don't talk much, we both seem to be very socially awkward.
"Kiyoshi what are you doing in 1-B? Oh hey Aomori-san !" The both of us were startled by Sora greeting us "Sora! Are you done with the stuff you were doing?"I ask "Ya, basically"I replies
"You know her?" I ask supersized that he knows he name. "I talk to her sometimes, though I don't really thinks she ever remembers me, are you two friends now?" "I'm not sure...."Aomori says blushing a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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