Chapter 3???

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Sora-"Mornin Kiyoshi!"
Kiyoshi-"Good morning"

Sora and Kiyoshi start their day off as usual and talk before the bell rings.While they are talking Sora notices/overhears some girls talking about Kiyoshi. "Wow!You've only been here for a few days and everyone's talking about you!" Sora says while looking back in Kiyoshi's direction. "Realy?"Kiyoshi replies seeming rather shocked.
Sora-"Yeah!They call you the "quiet prince",I guess it's because you haven't talked to anyone yet."
Kiyoshi-"They don't call me that!"
Sora-"They do!"
Kiyoshi-"Do not!"
Sora-"Do so!"
Kiyoshi-"Do not"
Sora-"Do so-"
The bell rings for the first period interrupting their argument. "Hey,after school I wanna show you something."Sora whispers

After school
'Kiyoshi's pov'

I wait for Sora like i normally do 'he said he wanted to show me something.I wonder what it could be.He was talking about it pretty much all through lunch'
"HEYYYY!!!"Sora yells while running towards me. I snap back to reality and greet him.

Kiyoshi- "What was it that you wanted to show me?"
Sora- "Wait will ya!?Its a surprise!

I follow Sora and I notice he was walking a different direction than we normally would "We're not going to your home?"ask curious of where he is taking me.He ignores me and walks out of the train station.We continue walking until we reach a bridge.Sora stops "I would sometimes do my work here and feed the ducks and fish" "Is this what you wanted to show me"I ask "No we're just taking a pit stop." The wind blows and something drops from Sora into the water.I didn't see what it was but it seemed very important to him since he seems to be rather scared that it fell. "SHOOT IT FELL IN THE WATER!"he shouts.He thinks for a bit and looks like he's going to jump into the water. "Hey what are you-"before I could ask him what he was doing, I look him  jump into the water and I get a strange feeling.I'm not sure it was from the shock but it felt like something else.Before thinking I rush to see if I could help him out but ended up tripping in to the lake. I hear laughing when I get out.Sora was laughing. " How did you fall in the water too?"he asks while trying to not laugh. I blush in embarrassment.Sora gets out of the lake and seemed to have found what fell into the water.We were soaking wet but Sora didn't seem to care. "What are we going to do now that we're soaking wet?"i ask him with an annoyed look. "We still have to get to where I wanna show you"he replied while brushing himself off to continue the journey. "We're seriously going to go like this?" "Yup!"He replies with a smile like he always does.

"Here we are!" "Where are we?" i ask while looking around.

"Here we are!" "Where are we?" i ask while looking around

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                                   ^              This is kinda how it looks

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              This is kinda how it looks

Sora- "It's my hangout spot"he says proudly.
Kiyoshi- "Hang out spot?"
Sora- "Yes dummy, that's what I just said."I've never shown anyone here and I don't think a lot of people even know this place so that would make you the second!".

He told me that he heard that was a meteor shower and wanted to show me that plus his hang out spot. 'A meteor shower the first and last time I saw a meteor shower was back when I was in Canada... and.... "LOOK ITS STARTING!"Sora yells

I look up to see. "Wow this is beautiful.."I said not realizing it

I look next to me.He was gazing at the meteor shower amazed with sparkles in his eyes. I get i weird feeling.I've never felt like this before.

When the meteor shower was over we talked for a while.He was doing most of the talking,I usually lose track on what he's says but I don't mind

After taking for a while we decide to go home.

-At home-

"Why did you come home so late!!?..What happened to you you're soaked!!?"my mother yells at me while getting a towel. "Sorry, I didn't mean to come home so late, and I'm not that wet right now"
"How did you get wet in the first place?!"

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