Chapter 2??

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-At lunch-

Kiyoshi hears his name being called.He looks around to see Sora calling for him while walking to his seat."Wanna eat lunch together?" he askes

They go upstairs to the top floor and take a seat.
Sora-"So...What's it like in America?
Kiyoshi-"I'm from Canada..."
Sora-"Ya that's what I said"
Kiyoshi-"No it's not.."
Sora-"OkOk, Let's ask each other some questions.I'll go first."

Sora-"Hmmm.........I'm gonna start with the basics..What's your favorite color?"
Kiyoshi-"Uhh..I'm not sure I don't really think about this much...Blue?Maybe?"
Sora-"Your favorite food?"
Kiyoshi-"I like fish"
Sora-"Just fish??"
Kiyoshi-"Ya, I think so."
Sora-"What about what animals do you like..Wait let me guess,it's cats right!?"
Sora-"Do you have any pets?"
Kiyoshi-"I used to have a cat back in Canada but it ran away.."
Sora-"Aw that sucks!"
Sora-"Hmmm,What are your hobbies?"
Kiyoshi-"I like to read and do art..sometimes I play videogames"
Sora-"It seems like we have a lot in common! What kind of games do you like?"
Kiyoshi-"I'm not sure"
Sora-"Ummmmm..Ok I'm done asking you questions, it's time to ask about me now"
Before Kiyoshi could get a word out the bell rang for the next period.Sora and Kiyoshi walked to class while talking.

-After School-

After school Sora tells Kiyoshi that he can't walk home with him today so Kiyoshi walks by himself.
'Kiyoshi's pov'

I open the do to my house. "I'm home" I say as I take my shoes off by the door.I was greeted with a warm welcome by my mother.
Yoshiko(kiyoshi's mom)- "Welecome home sweetie,"she says with a welcoming smile "How was your day at school? Also I made dumplings!"
I greet her back and asks how her day was. "It sucked so much!"she says while going into a rant about her day.I ignore her.I notice my older brother(Hitoshi). "You made any friends?" he asks. I think about Sora.I'm not quite sure if we're friends or not, he certainly acts like he's my friend.. "I think so"I reply to my bother
My mom joins the conversation "Ooh, what's his name.You should invite them over sometime. "Yeah..maybe" I reply.

-The next morning at school-

"Morning Kiyoshi!"Sora greets me as he usually does.I greet him back

I payed attention in most of my classes but I can't help but question if Sora and I are friends.I look over a Sora and he seems like he's about to sleep.He catches me starting and gives me a smile.

At lunch Sora and I go to the spot we went to last time.Sora takes out his lunch, and before he eats it he gives me a suspicious glance. "You've been staring at me all day!What's the deal?"
I look at him surprised because it didn't seem that he had noticed.I think for a moment, "Are we friends?"I said before thinking.Sora lets out a laugh.I was stunned for a moment, I didn't expect that reaction.He laughed for quite a while and takes a deep breath

Sora-"Are you stupid or something what kinda question is that!?"

I get a bit embarrassed.

Me- "Why do you ask that?"
Sora- "Well I've been talking to you and only you for quite a while now I guessed you could take the hint."
Sora- "The question is, do you think we're friends?"

I get a bit flustered because a part of me was hoping we were friends. "Yes.."I say shyly. "Well that means we're friends!"Sora says with a huge smile on his face, enough to make anyone near him smile as well.
We eat in silence for a while until Sora asks another question. "It doesn't seem like that's what you really wanted to ask me,is it?".I think to myself self for a second wondering how he knew. "Oh..ya there was something else I was going to ask you but it's not really important"I tell him.

Sora- "Well I've got lots of space in my brain for unimportant stuff ,so tell me!"
Me- "Nono it's fine.

Sora pouts and snatches some of my food "Hey!What was that for!"i ask him with a confused face. "I've got lots of space in my brain for unimportant information and lots of space in my class stomach for unimportant food too!!"he says while trying to get some more.I assumed it was because I haven't touched my food in a while. I wasn't exactly hungry anymore but I still tried stopping him from getting my food.
The bell rings and Sora snatches my food again and runs to the class with me running after him to get it back


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