Snoring Giant

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"This is a beautiful village named Danav Tila (demon's cliff). This village got its name because the small hill located here looks like a shrunken and lying-down demon. There is a rumour about this hill that a demon has been sleeping here for thousands of years. Which has become as solid as a stone due to sleeping in the same posture for many years. If you take an aerial view of this hill, you will see how the demon has hidden his bald head with both his hands and has bent his knees and placed his legs on his stomach. It is also called the snoring demon. The Snoring Giant. Because if you listen closely to it, you will also hear a light snore-like sound." Hearing this from the twelve-thirteen-year-old guide named Ramsevak, many tourists started listening from the hill.

"That's right, I can hear it too."

"This will be the sound of the wind hitting the dunes."

"Maybe there is a water source under the mound due to which this vibration-like sound is coming due to the upheaval in the earth."

Everyone was justifying that voice in his way. The Government of India wants to promote rural tourism. Quarters called homestays have been made here where you can stay and see the culture of Indian villages closely. Along with his studies, Ramsevak also works as a guide which helps in earn money for his fees. Demon Mound is his favourite place in the village. He sits there and studies till late evening and also comes here early in the morning. He also talks to the mound as if a sleeping giant is lying there. He also has a farm near this mound where he sometimes guards it at night. There is a high platform built in the field itself, he climbs on it and guards it and if any animal comes to the field, he makes noise and drives it away. That demon mound is visible from this scaffold. 

One night Ramsevak was keeping watch when suddenly he saw that there was movement in the demon mound. He was startled. The mound stood up and dusted itself off. This was a sad demon. The demon recited some mantra and a magical tree appeared at the same place. The demon climbed onto a branch of the tree which started rising upwards on its own. Ramsevak immediately came down from the scaffold, went to that tree and climbed one of its branches. He had no expectations but that branch also started climbing up as fast as the previous branch. The ground below disappeared from Ramsevak's eyes. He entered another world beyond the clouds. 

This world was very strange, it was morning time here. There were many demons here who were laughing, playing, dancing and singing. Ramsevak was nothing more than a rat in front of them. His eyes started searching for the demon who had come from the earth. Soon he saw him going in a direction. Ramsevak ran after him. He crossed a huge gate and reached a house. Here two elderly demons and a demon woman were sitting on a cot in the courtyard. And a young demoness was adorning herself. Two young demons were playing with each other.

"Amma (Mother), I am here."

"Look, even the inhabitants of the earth have chased away your son, now his snoring will take away our lives again."

"You keep quiet. My dear, you came after a whole night. Have you finished your sleep, right?"

"Yes, Amma. The sound of my snoring does not bother humans. They are half blind and half deaf. I sleep there to the fullest, no one bothers me nor does anyone complain about my snoring." This demon seemed to be the youngest member of that family.

"When will he go back now?" The old man asked again.

"Shut up honey. My son has just arrived. Come, let me give you something to eat." The giantess brought two living humans and two living deer from inside. Which the demon cut into pieces and ate. Now seeing this, Ram Sevak lost his mind. These demons eat living humans raw.

Amma-"How thin he has become. Was there any shortage of food on earth?"

Father-"If your little demon does not eat anything for two days, or even two months, his fat will not decrease even by a drop."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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