Quirk, Abilities, Belongings, and Quotes

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Powers and Abilities:

- Quirk: Spider


Spider Physiology: Petra's quirk is called Spider, and this gives her the proportionate physical capabilities of a spider.

- Superhuman Strength: Petra possesses considerable superhuman strength, due to it being the proportional strength of a spider. Although she is relatively untrained, her strength alone is sufficient enough to catch a 1.5-ton car that was moving at 40 miles an hour when it was just inches away from hitting a bus, and Shota mentions that she was able to move a bus with her bare hands. She has or will also breakthrough a bulletproof glass window with only a few blows, lift up rows of school lockers, slightly topple a gigantic Mount Lady, as well as to support the weight of a bridge, and was even able to lift a considerable portion of concrete roof that All Might had collapsed on top of her, though both feats visibly strained her. Her strength is sufficient enough to stagger a Nomu with help from Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima, though she was outmatched and subdued swiftly when facing the creature on her own. In her teen years, after her mother's death, she punched a depression into a concrete wall in grief.

- Superhuman Durability: Petra's body is inhumanly resistant towards impact forces and blunt force trauma, as she has taken or will take a punch from Nomu and a spinning air kick from Deku without any serious injuries. Additionally, Petra easily endured a collision with a metal beam while being dragged by Dark Shadow flying at full force.

- Superhuman Speed: Petra can run and move much faster than an ordinary human and is adept at dodging quickly. She is quick enough to catch up to a speeding vehicle on foot. Her speed allows her to casually dodge a blast from Bakugo at close range.

- Superhuman Agility: Petra is as agile as a spider, being able to make movements that would be extremely difficult for a normal human with great facility, capable of swinging around on thin spider-webbing and jumping great distances and heights without difficulty. Her bones, muscles, and joints have more elastic strength and durability, allowing her to perform gymnastic and contortionist maneuvers without damaging her bone structure. Petra can leap much higher than a normal human, enabling her the ability to jump and leap to a height of several stories in a single bound, and easily capable of jumping and leaping from one building over a street to the next.

- Superhuman Stamina: Petra can exert her maximum energy for long periods of time.

- Superhuman Reflexes: On several occasions, it has been shown that Petra possesses reflexes far beyond the capabilities of normal humans. In conjunction with her Spider-Sense, Petra is able to easily dodge full auto gunfire in point blank range even with her eyes closed. She also possesses a heightened sense of equilibrium which greatly enhances her balance and coordination.

- Enhanced Senses: Petra's senses are greatly enhanced, with her describing them as being "dialled to eleven". Hence, she is able to sense potentially dangerous things shortly before they occur. For example, if an object is being thrown at her, she will usually be aware of it, even if it is hurled from far away and she is facing the opposite direction. Her senses are so developed that before mastering her own powers, she was forced to reduce her sensorial input by wearing dark goggles to prevent it from handicapping her, she still does this when she feels overwhelmed, and can often be seen with a set of headphones around her neck or over her ears and a pair of dark sunglasses over her eyes.

- Spider-Sense: Petra has shown an extrasensory awareness of impending danger, known as her "Spider-Sense," a sixth sense, or simply "tingle." Her brain intakes and responses to stimuli at an accelerated rate, acting as a precognitive ability to sense potential or immediate danger. This awareness thus implies some kind of intelligence, capable of parsing Petra's surroundings, identifying and critically evaluating a potential threat at a subconscious level, thus alerting her of dangers she cannot readily notice at first, allowing her to effectively dodge and counter incoming attacks in combat, including projectiles aimed at her even from a blind spot. Provided with her extraordinary speed and wall-crawling, the Spider-Sense is sufficiently well-linked to her superhuman kinesthetics and reflexes, and it permits Petra to evade all manner of spontaneous dangers by an evidently instinctual exercise of some uncanny reflex. It also gives her omnipresent detection to her surroundings, which is how she web swings without looking where she shoots her webs with ease.

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