Chapter Eleven

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After the exam, Petra sits on the ground, resting her elbows on her knees as she takes a few deep breaths. She didn't keep count herself, she just took them down as she came across them. She knows she did well though. Good enough to be in the top twenty at least. Perhaps if she pushed herself harder then she could have done a little bit better. She pulls down her hair and shakes it out behind her with a sigh. She is glad that she did this. Even if she didn't have to. It let her really get to use her quirk for combat which she hasn't really had the chance to do before. Like she practiced all the individual aspects but to bring them all together in an actual fight. She looks up as footsteps approach her. Her eyes land on the unconscious individual she rescued. He's smiling down at her. Without the rush of battle, without the layer of dust on his face, she can get a really good look at him. Messy red hair, hazel-green eyes, a light dusting of freckles across his cheeks, and soft features that make him look really kind. She can also see a slight tint of green to his skin. He's attractive.

"Hey" She greets with a smile and then motions to her own head indicating the injury he had sustained. "How's your head?"

"All better" He answers. "Thanks" He offers. "For helping me" She nods and hums. "Hideo" He holds out his hand and she takes it, letting him pull her up to her feet. "Yuuki" He introduces himself to her.

"Petra A..." She stops herself. "Parker and you're welcome. I'm sure you would have done the same..." He hums a little and then pulls a face.

"Actually....I don't know if I would have," He admits. "I mean if it had been a real threat, of course I would have, but...." He sighs and shakes his head. "I wasn't thinking of others when it appeared, just myself and the points"

"You weren't the only one" She reminds him. "I think you're being hard on yourself" He shrugs.

"Maybe..." He agrees. "Urm, can I do something to say thanks?" He asks her. "Buy you coffee? Or lunch?"

"Oh" She blinks slightly. It's not that boys haven't been on her mind, she's been interested for a few years now, but when her father is a pro-hero, she has been cautious. Shota is very protective of her and she has always worried about his reaction to her bringing a boy home. So she's avoided dating, and whilst Hideo has not outright asked her on a date, this feels like he is. That he could have just thanked her and moved on, but he's asking to take her out for coffee or lunch. That means a date, right? He's asking her out on a date.

"You can say no" Hideo assures her when he senses her hesitation. Believing it to be simply because she's not interested. It's not that. It's definitely her father that is getting in her head. But she's almost an adult, her birthday is right around the corner, and she should be starting to branch out and try things, like dating.

"No" She argues quickly. "I would like that" He relaxes with the acceptance of his invitation and then smiles brightly at her.

"I can give you my number"

"Sure" She pulls her phone from her pocket and then holds out her cell phone for him. He dials in his number, saving it with his name before he hands it back.

"Text me whenever you're free" He asks of her, leaving it all up to her. She takes the phone and slides it into her pocket.

"I will" She assures him, he smiles and tucks his hands into his pockets.

"It was nice meeting you, Petra" He voices warmly before he turns and heads away. Likely to the auditorium. The same place she should be going. For the written exam. Petra lets out a breath and smiles to herself. Whatever comes of this, at least she's trying something new. Something she has thought about since she was sixteen. Boys were on her mind a lot when she was sixteen, but any time she mentioned liking a boy, Shota would have this twitch to his face. As if the idea of her being remotely interested in dating was stressing him out. She soon started to push those thoughts, her attractions, away to protect him from that. It was just the two of them, and has been for many years now, he's her father, her best friend (other than Amani), her protector. She lets out a breath and pushes herself to her feet, grabbing her bag from the ground before she too heads towards the main building.

"Hey, Webhead" Petra frowns a little and turns to look around, because it feels like that was directed at her. She finds Angry Boy is right behind her. She raises an eyebrow at him but he doesn't elaborate. She rolls her eyes and turns to walk away. "Katsuki" He states and she stops again, then turns to look at him, again. Hoping that this time he might actually talk to her face and not her back.

"What was that?"

"My name..." He mumbles and clenches his jaw. Not looking at her, but still addressing her. "Katsuki" She hums a little and he seems to get uncomfortable with her own lack of response, but then she steps closer to him.

"Petra" She offers back with a small smile and then pokes his chest. "So you are capable of conversation" She teases and he lets out a breath through his nose. "Not just grunts and scowls" He is already regretting this. He doesn't even know why he came over here to talk to her. That's a lie. He knows why. He just doesn't understand what it means to him because he's never felt what he felt when he saw her with that attractive guy. She gets to him. From her being unphased by his intimidation in the locker room, to the way she was in the exam, and with the 0-pointer. She nudges him and then starts to walk away, but he does catch up with her just as quickly.

"Urgh, you're so annoying" He complains but still walks by her side as they head back towards the auditorium for their written exam. The fact that he isn't just walking alone, says that he isn't as annoyed as he is claiming. 

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