Chapter Five

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The sun is only just kissing the sky as Petra rubs at her eyes. Her mind is still struggling to comprehend what has happened and where she is and why she is here. It's too early to be dealing with this. She is standing in front of the U.A. Gates. It is way too early to be here though. She rolls her head to the side to look at Shota who stands at her side.

"What are we doing here on a Saturday?" She complains as she stares at the gates of U.A. "And at 6 am?" Shota turns to her as she yawns into the back of her hand. It is very early for her to be awake, let alone dressed and an hour from home.

"You need a place to be able to practice your web-swinging" He points out. "Our apartment is too small" She hums in agreement. It's the one thing she hasn't really had a chance to practice. She needs open space with buildings, and seeing as there are laws against quirks being used in public she hasn't been able to. Swinging through the main street would be a great help to her learning and training. Even at school. She's only allowed to practice using ropes set up in the gym which is not the same. She needs open space. "So you'll be here all weekend, using the facilities to get used to your web-slinging...." He informs her, handing over the duffel bag in his hand. She frowns a little at it.

"You went through my stuff?" She asks as she opens it up to find her own clothing, and her own toiletries.

"No" He defends himself. "Nemuri packed it for you" Petra still isn't sure if she likes that. Nemuri is better than Shota for packing her clothes, especially her underwear, but it is still someone going through her belongings.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" She asks him as she shoulders the bag. "I could have packed it myself...."

"You've been so worked up" He answers. "Waiting for your exam results, training and studying for the entrance exams.....perhaps a terrible surprise but..." He shrugs a little. "Thought you might like to let loose...." He motions to the college. "Use one of the training areas..."


A short while later, Petra has changed into something a little more comfortable to run around in. Gone are her usual leather trousers, because they don't really have that movement adaptability she needs. She's standing on the top of the highest building she could find in the test-slash-training arena thing that U.A has set up. She is alone. Shota has left her to it, taking Banjo with him because this might be a bit too dangerous for the spider. Shota's around though, but he's left her to do this herself. Because she should be discovering these things herself. Despite the thoughtfulness behind it, she is slightly nervous about it. She hasn't really done this before. Swinging around the apartment as she grew up is one thing, but swinging through a fake city with high-rise buildings is another and she might hurt herself. It's not that she doesn't have faith in herself or her quirk. She's been watching her family web-swing for years, she already knows the principles and the theory of it. She's just never had to put it all into practice before. She pulls her hair back into a tighter ponytail on the back of her head as she looks down over the edge of the building and lets out a breath. It is a long way down, but this is the best position to get started. She reaches up and adjusts her scarf, making sure that it is secure around her neck, just in case. She doesn't want to lose it.

"Okay" She whispers to herself. This is by far the highest she has ever swung from so this is a big deal. She rolls her sleeves up to her elbows and then draws her fingers over her spinnerets. "Okay" She takes a step back from the edge, and then another. She thinks a running start is going to help her. Just throw herself into it. Halfway across the roof she stops, and leans up onto her toes to try and peer over the edge but from here, she can't. She bounces on her toes, trying to psych herself up for this. It's one thing knowing what she is capable of doing it, it is another thing to throw herself off of the roof of a building and trust that her webs are strong enough to hold her weight and allow her to swing. She prepares herself for the run to the edge, taking a deep breath before she pushes herself into a dead run. There is a rush that comes with running towards the edge of the roof, ready to tumble over it. She launches herself off the edge and twists her body into a backflip so that she falls down the side of the building in a dive. She holds out her arm and thwips out a long line of web towards the buildings. It catches, jolting her straight and pulling her into a swing. She screams and laughs at the same time as she swings between the buildings. "This is amazing!!" She yells as she throws out another web, disconnecting the first. She's never moved at speeds like this before. Swinging around the apartment doesn't exactly leave much room to gather momentum. Obviously. She basically used it to be lazy and not walk around. She switches to another web without really thinking about it. She knows that a lot of it is instinct and relying on her spider-sense. To just feel it and let her body react. She aims for the building ahead of her, letting the web swing her as high as it can before she drops it and lets herself travel through the air towards the structure. She lands and sticks to the wall before she lets out a breath. Smiling to herself. It's the most free she's ever felt. The most exhilarated. She can't believe that she was missing out on this this whole time. She loosens the scarf around her neck as takes a moment to catch her breath and to calm her heart rate down. She understands why her mother loved this so much. She always used to tell her how web-swinging made her feel free. Like she could do anything when she was swinging. It is different for them. Before Cindy, and Charlotte, the Parkers had to create their own webbing through chemistry. It has to feel different. A more connected thing for those with natural webbing. Petra lets out a breath and then glances around, trying to decide where she wants to go next. She has this whole training ground that she can swing around and she has all weekend to do so. This was such a great idea. She thwips out a web string before following through into a swing.


So I looked into adding a classmate to 1-B and I have a few ideas, I will leave this up until we actually get to meeting 1-B during the sport's festival. I have tried to use people that actually exist in Spider-Man's world but adapted them to fit into a Japanese environment. 

- Tomi Haruki (Otto Octavius) Quirk: Octo (Has four natural robotic limbs that sprout from his back)

- Yukito Terashi (Felicia Hardy/Black Cat) Quirk: Luck (Basically she's very lucky)

- Sayaka Toratani (Ava Ayala/White Tiger) Quirk: Tiger

- Amani Todoroki (Johnny Storm-inspired (though female); Half-sister to Shoto (different mother's; Amani's mother has a fire quirk)) Quirk: Human Torch (I added this one because in the comics, Johnny Storm and Peter have a great friendship. I actually really like this option, and I can even have it so they were at high school together, and if she has a fiery personality, then Petra will be used to dealing with it, making her capable of swallowing Bakugo's personality easier than the others)

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