Chapter 1

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Tears were streaming down Yunho's face, he had just been framed by his sweet younger brother. A storm of questions were bubbling in Yunho's head consuming his thoughts. Why was his kind, loving younger brother framing him for his grandmother's death? Why did his younger brother kill his grandmother? What was the reason? Before he knew it police were grabbing him by the arms and pulling him away. 

Out of the corner of his eye he could see a sneaky smirk on his brothers face, oh how he wanted to smash Beom- Seok's face into a wall.

'I didn't do any of this!' Yunho pleaded, 'It was him!'.

'Everything you say can and will be used against you in court, so it would be best to stay silent right now' an officer with the name badge 'San' explained. He was shorter then Yunho but still quite tall, Yunho may of even been attracted to San if they met in different circumstances.

The other officer dragging him away had the name badge 'Yeosang' he was also shorter than Yunho and quite attractive as well. Why were all these officers so fine?

They seated him in the back of the police car and handcuffed his hands behind his back. Just great.

The sirens on the car were ringing and the lights were flashing, giving Yunho a headache. His face was wet with tears and he was freezing, only dressed in a white top and some black shorts with flip flops on his feet.

'Let's go' an officer in the drivers seat yelled and the car drove off.

The two officers , San and Yeosang, were sat in the back with Yunho. The three of them sat in an awkward silence all the way to the police station.

Yunho decided to just close his eyes and relax for as long as he could, he could've never imagined himself in this position.

The car shifted and he opened his eyes. The officers immediately stood up and opened the door before grabbing Yunho and walking him to the police station. 

No one was in sight, it was dark and gloomy outside and the only thing you could hear was Yunho's shaky breathing.

The officer driving the car scanned his badge on the door and they entered. 

The station had comfy looking chairs and a receptionist who just sat there on the computer. They walked down the corridor and entered a room with the number 4 on the door. 

They sat him down on the sofa, took off his handcuffs and left. Yunho was stuck there alone to think about more of the questions he had.

The door clicked open and a tall slim man walked in.

'Hello Yunho, I just have some questions for you today is that ok?' 

'Um, yes that's okay.' Yunho said shakily, maybe if they heard his story they would let him go.

'That's good. Well, my name is Park Seonghwa, just Seonghwa is fine and I just want to know what happened tonight' he looked up and looked at Yunho.

His hands were fidgeting together and he had lowered his gaze, staring at his shoes nervously.

'Well, I woke up and heard my grandmother screaming for help. I ran downstairs and my little brother was there with a knife in her back. I ran to her and didn't look at my brother. He called the police while I was focused on my grandmother. The police came and saw the blood on my hands and took me,' tears were steaming down Yunho's face as he recalled the incident, 'but it wasn't me! You have to believe me!'

Seonghwa looked at Yunho with an unconvinced look. Yunho broke down in tears, how could they not believe him?

'Thank you, that's all for today.'  Seonghwa said and then left.

Yunho curled up on the sofa and cried himself to sleep.

When he woke up he was being brought to court. Everything was too overwhelming for him. They got him changed into an orange jumpsuit and brought him to sit on a chair facing the jury. He could see the way they looked at him. Disgust was written on their faces, bright and bold. He couldn't blame them, for all they knew they were looking at 'a cruel man who murdered his grandmother'. He would be disgusted too.

Across the court room was his brother, fake tears rolling down his face and people all around him hugging and comforting him. Yunho's blood boiled.

'All rise' a voice called out and Yunho was pulled from his thoughts.

(I can't write court thingys so just imagine a scene from extraordinary attorney woo)

'You are now sentenced to 20 years in prison'

Yunho felt sick.His whole world crashed down on him. How would he live after this.No one would hire him no one would trust him.He broke out into a sob. How could these people believe his scheming brother?

His breathing became heavy and before he knew what he was doing he ran across the court room and before the guards could react he jumped on his brother and punched his nose.

The guards pulled him off before he could do anything else and blood trickled down his brother's nose. Everyone surrounded his brother and pulled him away from Yunho. 

After his brother had been taken away the guards dragged him away. At this point he didn't care, his life was ruined anyways. 

Little does Yunho know his life is about to get much worse.

That was the first chapter🥳🥳

I hope you guys enjoyed, I promise it will get better!!

The main story will be about Yunho x Mingi and the rest of the ships will be side couples xx

See you next chapter 


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