Chapter 2

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Yunho was brought to the same room he was questioned in. He sat there on the sofa wondering how his life would play out from now on, what would he do for the next 20 years. He wasn't the strongest either so how would he survive in prison? He had heard the awful stories of what happens in some prisons.

His leg was bouncing up and down and he began to bite at the skin around his nails, just imagining what could happen.

The door clicked open slightly so Yunho could hear what the people outside were saying.

'You can't put him in there' a muffled voice, similar to seonghwa's said.

'There's no other cells left, he's just gonna have to go in with Song Mingi' a voice sounding like the officer who drove him here.

Song Mingi? Yunho thought he had heard that name before. But where?

Before he had anytime to think about it the Seonghwa entered the room along with two guards. 

'We are going to escort you to your cell' Seonghwa said with a worried look on his face as the guards each held one arm.

When they entered the area with the cells everyone around was staring at him. Yunho could imagine what they were thinking 'fresh meat'. 

He kept his gaze down, not wanting to get in any trouble on the first day there. He was going to be spending his life there after all.

All Yunho wished for was for a nice roommate.

Seonghwa's feet stopped in front of him and Yunho looked up. They were here.

Seonghwa pointed to the cell next to him, cell 34.

'This is your cell, make sure to remember the number.'

Yunho nodded and Seonghwa got close to his ear and started to whisper to him.

'Be careful with your roommate and don't annoy him.Just a word of advice.'

Yunho was scared now, what type of person was his roommate for even the guards to be afraid of him ?

The guards banged on the cell door and announced.

'Mingi you have a roommate!'

Shuffling was heard inside before a dark shadow slowly moved close to the cell door.

'Huh' a deep voice barked out.He sounded annoyed making Yunho nervous.

'I thought you guys said I was never getting a roommate?' He questioned.

His voice did something to Yunho, you could say it made him hot and bothered. Yunho's cheeks flushed a deep pink.

How could just his voice make him feel like that?

'Change of plans' the guard said and opened the doors, pushing Yunho in. Before Yunho could say anything the guard shut the door and they left leaving Yunho alone with this 'dangerous' Mingi.

Yunho turned around and was faced with Mingi's shoulders.

(We are going to make Yunho a bit shorter for this story)

He looked up and Mingi was looking down at him smirking. Damn, Yunho thought. This guy's fitter than that guard 'San'.

He had fading pink hair, sharp jaw and piercing black eyes. While Yunho was in a trance admiring the man Mingi grabbed Yunho's chin and tilted his head up. He moved Yunho's face around observing the smaller's face.

Yunho pulled away with a glare on his face. 

'What the hell are you doing?'

Yunho dared to say with a snarky tone.

Mingi looked shocked yet interested at the same time.

'Do you know who I am?' He said standing threateningly over Yunho.

Yunho thought about it, he did think 'Song Mingi' rang a bell.

He let out a gasp. Now he remembered.

Song Mingi. The triple murderer and the so called  gang leader of Korea.

Yunho backed up against the cell wall, shaking as Mingi got closer and closer.

'Looks like you've remembered princess .'

A dusty pink covered Yunho's face, the word princess warming his insides.

'Oh? Do you like that...princess?'

Yunho quickly shook his head and looked away, flustered. Mingi chuckled and backed away. He climbed up to top bunk and  laid down.

Yunho let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He walked over to the bottom bunk and sat down.

He decided to sleep for the rest of the day so he turned over to face the wall and closed his eyes. He was exhausted from today so he immediately passed out.

This was his life now, surrounded by criminals, oh grandmother.


it's like 3am and I had a sudden  burst of energy!!!

This chapter is shorter then the other one but we roll x

Thanks for reading 

See u next chapter


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