Chapter 3

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'Wake up!' Yunho heard someone yelling in the distance. He rubbed his eyes and remembered what had happened. Quickly, he stood up and freshened up by combing through his hair with his fingers.

Behind him he heard soft breathing sounds and realised Mingi was still asleep. He looked around and realised that everyone was getting out of their cells. He looked back and forth between the other cells and Mingi.
I can't believe I'm doing this he thought.
He walked over to the bunk and took one step up the ladder so he could just see above the bed.

Mingi was lying there asleep. Yunho took a deep breath and reached his hand out to tap Mingi.
He felt his hand being grabbed.
' Good Morning princess, enjoying the view I see?'
Yunho jumped off the ladder and looked away.

' I was just trying to wake you up' he said and his cheeks felt hot.

' if you say so, princess'
'Can you stop it with that nickname!' Yunho slightly raised his voice.
'What's the fun in that princess?' Mingi let out a deep chuckle as Yunho stormed out of the cell.
Cute Mingi thought inwardly.

Yunho decided to walk around the prison as no one had told him what he was supposed to do. Walking around he saw a little library,a lunch hall and a small room with nothing in it and no lights on either. For a prison with killers in it really wasn't that bad. It had plain white walls with only a few scratches and the beds weren't so bad either. Yunho thought he could get used to this.

Ring Ring Ring

A bell rang and everyone around him started walking towards the lunch hall so he followed the crowd.

He lined up in the queue and got his food. Two pieces of bread with tomato and cheese on it, a small bowl of soup and a small portion of salad.
He sat down at a random table in the hall ignoring the burning stares he felt on him.
Obviously people are going to stare he thought I am new here, it's ok though they won't be bothered after a while

He was sitting there munching on his bread trying to enjoy his day when all of a sudden he heard an agitating,grating voice behind him.

'Hey puppy'

He turned around and saw a muscular 5'6 man standing behind him with a 6,0 skinny man.

'Hello? Is there anything I could do for you today'

'Yeah, you could give me your name puppy'

When this man called him puppy it didn't make him feel the same as if Mingi were to say it, it didn't make him hot or flustered it just made him disgusted.

He didn't want to start any fights in jail so he decided to play nice for a while.

'My name is Yunho, not puppy.... And you are?'
' I'm Changbin, but you can call me ur man' the muscular one said and let out a quick wink.
'I'm Yeonjun.' Said the tall one plainly.
'Ok' Yunho said and turned around to keep eating his soup.

Changbin slammed his hand on the table right next to Yunho and continued.
'Playing hard to get I see'

'No, I just like tall guys'

Yeonjun let out a laugh at the comment but immediately stopped as Changbin quickly shot him a glare.

'You'll regret that' he said and grabbed Yunho's hand.

'Oi let go' Yunho said and pulled his arm back, trying to get away for the stronger man's grasp.
His wrist started to throb with how tightly he was holding it. Changbin raised his other arm about to punch Yunho straight in the face. Yunho closed his eyes and braced for impact...but it never came. He blinked his eyes open slowly and saw there was a hand holding Changbin's fist.

He looked to the side and the man who saved him was...Mingi.
'You ok princess?' He said actually sounding a bit concerned.
'Yeah' Yunho replied and quickly looked away, flustered by how close their faces were together.

Yeonjun quickly pulled Changbin away and quickly bowed in apology to Mingi before running away.

Mingi sat down next to Yunho and Mingi's friends sat opposite them.
'Good thing I was there, right princess?'

(I'm actually so sorry I just remembered Mingi's nickname is princess damn I messed up)

'Yeah I guess'

'Guys this is my new cell mate, what's your name again?'
It just came to Yunho that only he knew Mingi's name Mingi didn't know his.

'Well,Yunho this is Jongho and wooyoung and Guys this is Yunho' Mingi introduced them.

Yunho put a small smile on his face and the others waved at him.

After sitting there for 5 minutes everyone started opening up to each other, Yunho learnt that both Wooyoung and Jongho are inlove with officers. Both of them being the officers that escorted Yunho here. Wooyoung liked San and told them he would often tease San just to see him blush as he was easily flustered. Jongho was basically obsessed with Yeosang it was crazy how much he wanted him. He told them how the night before Yeosang had ran away from him in fear and San had to escort him to the bathroom instead.

I wonder what Jongho did to scare Yeosang like that? Yunho thought.

I'm gonna end it there HOPE YALL ENJOYED

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