Chapter 3.5

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Jongho and Yeosang special
This is a side story of the main ship. The .5 chapters will be the side couples😘

Ten days. Yeosang had been working for ten days before he got called in for a serious case. 10 days of peace before his work life would turn sour. The prisoners were relatively calm, they didn't cause too much trouble. The officers treated him like a companion and he was welcomed very quickly into the station.

That quickly ended however when he got called to escort a dangerous criminal into the prison. His colleagues had told him to be careful and though Yeosang had been slightly nervous, nothing too frightening was on his mind.

Since it was his first time on one of these trips he was made to observe for the first half. He watched as they took the already handcuffed man away from the other group of police that had been with him prior. The man was escorted into the back of the car and the doors were quickly shut.

They had a chat to the other group of officers and traded info about the man. They said he was 'quiet' but not to let that mislead us. This was a man who was said to have killed a man, whether he was quiet or not, they needed to have their guards up.

The journey back was quiet but quick there was no traffic at the time and they were able to make it back before the sun set.

Though this time the officers urged Yeosang to escort the man in. They walked him through on how to do it and brought out a much stronger guard to help, called San.

They opened the car door and quickly grabbed one arm each. For someone going to a police cell, the man was awfully calm, not struggling at all.

Like this, Yeosang finally got a good look at the man. He was slightly taller then himself and he was very built. His broad shoulders towered over Yeosang like a mountain. If Yeosang was behind the man he would be completely hidden.

The lead him into the station and brought him into a questioning room. They sat there for a while in an awkward silence, waiting for instructions on what to do.

One of the experienced officers called out San, who left shutting the door behind him. Leaving him with Jongho.

Yeosang watched the door slowly shut, trying to look anywhere but the convict for as long as he could. He turned around but found the man was now standing up and was now slowly approaching Yeosang.

Quickly he brought out his gun, his breaths quickening in fear.

"Please sit back down, sir" Yeosang commanded, keeping his voice steady to not show any signs of fear.

The man did not listen and continued to make small steps towards Yeosang.

"Sir, I will not hesitate to shoot" he lied, he had never needed to shoot anyone. The sweat on his hands making his grip on the gun worse.

All of a sudden, the man lunged at him taking him by surprise. He snatched the gun and grabbed Yeosang's hands in one quick motion. He pushed Yeosang against the wall and shoved the gun in his trousers. Once his hand was free he quickly locked the door.

"Oh will you?" He replied his voice sending shivers down Yeosang's spine.

Yeosang began to struggle in his hold, but it was no use, the man was more then 2x stronger than him.

"Release me and we can discuss your crimes" Yeosang said in a weak attempt to get out.

"I guess i could... but, why would i want to when i have such a pretty treasure right in front of me?"  He said his voice showing he was completely calm.

He brought his face closer to Yeosang's, "What's a pretty thing like you doing working here?" he questioned. His eyes drifted to the officers name badge, "Officer Yeosang". The name rolled off his tongue.

Yeosang didn't answer, he just kept struggling in the man's hold.

"My name's Jongho"

"And why would i want to know that?" Yeosang asked rolling his eyes.

"Because, I just know i'll be seeing you a lot more often around here. Get used to the face darling."

There was a bang on the door, the other officers had realised something was up. They yelled calling for Jongho to let Yeosang go. Now they were kicking the door down.

Jongho took Yeosang off the door to avoid the officers blows.

"God, and we were having so much fun" He frowned with a sigh.

The officers managed to kick open the door, barging into the scene of Jongho holding Yeosang's hands in front of him while whispering close to his ear.

They immediately pulled Jongho off Yeosang and restrained him.

"I'll see you later Darling" he smiled as he was pulled into another room leaving Yeosang with a scowl on his face.

San stayed behind with Yeosang to check on him.

"What happened?" he asked huffing and puffing as he was the one who broke down the door.

"I don't know... as soon as you left he just charged at me!" Yeosang said sounding just as confused as anyone else.

"Did he hurt you?" San asked beginning to scan the man for any injuries.

"No, thankfully" he looked over his body to make sure.

"God that's unlucky for a first time, it's ok though don't dwell on it that doesn't happen often." He reassured the other.

"Thanks" he smiled at the taller man.

He went home that day wondering about what happened. He couldn't sleep all night as endless questions crossed his mind.

He was dreading to go to work the next day, he decided he would try to be with San as much as possible.

Thanks for reading😘

i know i haven't updated in ages but i have a lot of exams saur i have to revise bro.

I hope y'all enjoyed

next chapter imma go back to the main story dw

If anyone likes Sakuatsu go check out my other story, A fatal love.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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