Allergy (Lucifer x Lilith) 🌹🍎

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Lilith and Lucifer are separated. But she still cares about Lucifer deeply and Charlie her daughter. One day she visits the hotel and noticed Lucifer accidentally ate something he ate and started having a bad reaction.what will she do?

Lucifer was working on rubber ducks as always in his room at the hotel. Ever since the fight with Adam that was a week ago it's been tiring to fix the hell damage. Peoples houses being damaged and as well as the streets. Being the king of hell makes you responsible for repairs. Just as he finished the duck the door flung open. He looked over and saw his ex wife walked in.

"Working on rubber ducks again I presume!" She smiled.

"Uh yeah..." he blushes a bit.

She held out her hand with a smile. "May I see it?"

"Sure!" He hands it to her hand. He smiled feeling proud of his creation.

Lilith looked at the rubber duck. It looked like a certain someone that used to stay at the hotel.
"Is this Sir Pentious?"

"Yeah it is, I think since Sir Pentious was redeemed he should get a rubber duck! I have ones that looked like everyone!"

" did you know he's redeemed?...."

"I have my secrets Lilith. Anyways why did you come up here?" Lucifer asked as he took the duck back.

"Oh Charlie was trying a new hell cake recipe and wants all of us to give it a taste."

"Okay I'll be down in a minute!"

Lilith smiles and gets up from the bed she was sitting on and left. Lucifer then put the Sir Pentious Duck in a drawer and headed to the hotel lobby. He sees his daughter Charlie excited while holding onto the choclate hell cake she made. She saw her dad and her eyes glimmered.

"Dad! I'm happy you made it!!! Okay everyone dig in!" She places the cake down and Vaggie came in with paper plates. She placed plastic forks and handed Charlie the cake knife.

"Thanks babe!" Charlie pecks Vaggie's cheek and starts cutting the cake. Everyone took a piece and started eating it.

"Wow! Charlie this is good! This chocolate? That's good shit!" Angel laughed.

Nifty was giggling while stabbing her fork in the cake like she was stabbing a bug like a Physco. Everyone looked at nifty and then away.

"Hey freaky face. You gonna eat that?" Angel dust asked Alaster. He just held the plate of cake in his hands. He had a blank expression and handed it to Angel.
Angel of course started eating that as well. Husk saw chocolate all over his face and wiped it.

"Geez Mr.Dust....have some modesty!"

" know you love it whiskers!"

Husk rolls his eyes with a smile. After a bit everyone looked over at the other couch and saw Lucifer and Lilith enjoying there company and the cake. Charlie smiled happy that her parents were getting along.

As soon as Lucifer finished his daughter's cake he felt sick. He held his mouth and Lilith looked concerned. She placed a hand on his shoulder worried.

"Are you okay Lucifer?"

Lucifer sprout his wings and flew to the nearest bathroom and puked. Everyone heard it and cringed. Charlie felt bad she made her dad sick. Lilith places down her plate and rushed in the bathroom. She held Lucifers wings back as he kept puking. Charlie and Vaggie stood in the doorway watching this unfold. Vaggie felt sick and Charlie felt guilty.

"Charlie...dear what was in that cake!?" Lilith asked. Vaggie took the recipe out of Charlie's pocket and read it.

"Wait pause. Did you say an apple?"

"Yeah I did, why?"

"We're both allergic to apples!" Lilith said.

"How mom? You and dad ate it in the garden of Eden!" Charlie said confused.

"Yes and being fallen makes us allergic to it since it's a forbidden fruit."

Lucifer finally stops puking and wipes his face with a paper towel. "Good thing it isn't deadly..." lucifer laughs but was out of breath.

"I'm sorry dad...I didn't know I just thought you and mom would be okay."

"It's alright Charlie. Now if you excuse going to die in the bedroom!"

They watch him fly off. Lilith follows and walked up to Lucifer who was in his room now.

"Lucifer you should probably have food poisoning right now."

Lucifer just looked at her blankly. Lilith sighed and took matters into her own hands. She picked him up bridal style.

"Come on little man! Get in the bed!"

Lucifer's legs were moving up and down trying to get out of lilith's grasp. But she was stronger than him surprisedly.

"Quit fighting little man!" She then placed him on the bed.

"Stay there until you don't need to puke again!"

Lucifer laid there defeated. His ex wife was like this when they were together as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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