Coward To Discover

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Don't talk!
Nor a single step and walk
Let this poem of mine talk

A crime I wasn't intended to do
Hunting me, tracing my left clues
They are looking for me everywhere
Every sec paired with a heartbeat you cannot compare


Shut up!

What if they found this spot?
What if... What if... if they found me... I get shot?
I repented my sins a lot
At the same time, I change not


Just listen.

For what I have to say.

What?! You can't do this. I only did it be---

I have the right to remain silent?
How can I even talk if I am about to faint?
No, you're forcing me
No, NO! I didn't do it



Sitting at the center of cubic room
A single light above me emitted bright
A silence demanding the truth
The real truth of what is right

I did it.
I am sorry.
I am buried in my own pit
I thought it's a good thing for me, my family, and is enough not to worry

Do you know the feeling when you can't cry?
Because there's no enough tears to cry
I can bury nothing more
If I, myself, was hopeless to see the shore

If I didn't do it
Then I would die
And it's hard to say bye
To the important people around me

Do you know the feeling when all is relying on you?
Their expectations are much higher than my due
So, I must fulfill their extended palms
With coins and healing balms

I am sorry
Doing it is against my will
I have no choice but to conceal
From knowing what is right, even if takes to kill

The pay are higher than those part-time jobs
Fulfilling their palms and saving me from sobs
I can't wish anything else to vow
I am Robin Hood without a bow

There are voices telling me to stop
Stop talking because they've had enough
Seeing my sins, they reached the top
Yet, my head is rough

Forgive me.

Forgive me.



It's all in my head
Forgiveness is all I plead
I'm still lurking in this dark alley
Still prowling for money

Veiling to cover

From searchers of criminals and robbers

I'm waiting for them to be over


Don't tell anyone or else---you wouldn't like the consequences.

I'm a coward to discover.

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