Part 01

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Friday YAY!
Normal day when you go to class and do all the shit that your teachers tell you to do and finally the weekend!

Me and my friends met in our usual place and form a circle

"So guys who wants to go to my house and penny board around and I don't know just chill because why the fuck not it's a weekend" Julia, one of my friends said excitedly.
"Sure why not? I'll just go home and change and I'll meet you guys there- whoever is going- and do what ever u guys wanna do" I said
And some just mumbled "okays" "meet you theres" and "sure"

I walk back to my house and change and run down the stairs while shouting "mom I'm going to Julia's just to hang out with friends" and penny boards' going to Julia's house which is a couple of streets from mine.

I see all of them out in the lawn and laughing at some jokes I didn't hear which is probably corny so never mind.

"Hey!" I shouted
"Hi Renee!" They all shouted back in a sync.
"I'm gonna cruise around with my penny board who wants to come with?" I said
"Me's" and "I'll go" were heard around as we start cruising around. Julia and Isabelle stayed behind and said their gonna make food and all.

Once were done we went back to Julia's place to eat and hang out.

"Hey George can you pass me the hot sauce?" I'm in love with hot sauces mostly for pizza well since we're having homemade pizza why not put hot sauce? HAHAHA I'm weird, okay?
"Here" George mumbles
"Is there something wrong George?" I asked while stuffing food in my mouth
"Nope" he mumbles again
"Oh come on George we're all friends here and we know something's wrong" I say as our friends starts nodding and mumbles "yeah's" "it's just I've got this eye on this girl in my maths and I've been wanting to take her out but she's probably out of my league" George frowns. "Who is she then?" I asked "I'm not gonna tell" George says "okay fine but why don't ask her out?" I asked "well I have no confidence too" "I guess you have to change that for you to have her George, if you want her, face every fear you have for her George" I say "thanks Renee I can't thank you enough, and I'll ask her out on Monday" as George stands up and hugs me and walk strait to the basement where we all hangout.

Me,Julia,Isabelle,Freddy,Erving and Sofia we're the only once in the dining area and George,Ysabelle,John,Marc,Grant and Elise we in the basement probably playing video games.

Well here's the lovers in out group
Julia and Freddy
Isabelle and Erving
John and Sofia
Grant and Elise
Ysabelle and Marc
George and the girl from his maths
Me and no one (HAHA)

"So guys I'm gonna get some air out side who wants to come with?" Sofia asks and stands up
Me,Julia,Freddy and Isabelle goes out with Sofia and the rest went down to the basement

We sat on the grass (the front lawn) forming a circle "Guys I have news" I say
"What is is?" Julia asks
"Well remember my license is going to be mailed in my house on Wednesday and my dad got me a car with full tank gas and I was wondering if we could go to my family's beach house next weekend?" I explained
"That'll be great omg" Isabelle squealed
"So ask your parents if you coul-"Julia didn't even make me finished because she shouted "CLIFFORD!!" To the guy who was in a bike that passed by where we were and he turned back to go to us. "Yeah? Hey Julia and friends" "nothing Michael I just wanted to shout your name" Julia giggles " Julia who is he?" I asked while whispering to Julia. "Oh Michael this is Renee,Freddy,Sofia and Isabelle. I met Michael at Starbucks because I stepped on his foot" Julia giggled (wow this girl giggles a lot) and pointed to each of us "hi Michael" I said. "Where you going?" Julia asks Michael "oh I'm going to my friend,Luke's house just down the street" Michael said "oh well I was wondering if you could stay and hangout with us but I guess you can't" Julia said "I'll pass by later then. We just have band practice" "okay see you then, call me if you're done" Julia said "sure" Michael continues his biking


It's getting dark outside but I'm still in Julia's house. Some of them are taking naps, some on their phone, and some playing video games. "Guys I'm bored, I'm gonna cruise with my penny around and I'll be back with some food I guess" as I walk out the front door and cruise around with my penny board.

Cold wind hitting my face as I ride my penny board. I see a figure on a bike towards my way almost hitting me as I shout "watch out!" I realized he was Michael, Julia's friend.

"Renee?" As Michael walks towards me holding his bike. "Oh hi Michael!" I say "you skate?" Michael asks "Yup!" I exclaimed "cool! I've been traumatized with skating before because I fell and broke my shoulder" "really? How and why?" I giggled a bit. "Me and my band mates were skating around and it was a down hill and I kinda can't stop my board so I fell on my shoulder and broke it so I'm sticking to biking" Michael explained and we both laugh "oh cool, so where you heading?" I asked "I heading to Julia's" Michael said "oh okay, I'll cruise around first and buy food for them" I said "do you want me to come with? I guess Julia won't mind" Michael said while scratching the back of his neck. "Sure whatever you like" I said while stepping on my penny board and cruise going to buy pizza as Michael follows behind


We go back to Julia's house with me shouting "guys I have pizza come to the dining area!" With that they all run upstairs to the dining area. Julia's house is always empty because her parents are always on business trips around the world and her brother is in college. "Oh yeah right guys this is Michael Clifford, I met him in Starbucks, and his in a band" Julia said and everyone said their "hi's"

Holy fuck Michael is in a band! I need to get to know him. Maybe we have a lot in common. Guys with the same music taste as mine are the one.

Michael's P.O.V

Renee's so pretty. Their group of friends are so squad goals. Julia already said I'm in a band and when she said that Renee's eyes grew big. I guess she's surprise. I need to get to know her. Maybe we have a lot in common. God she's so beautiful.

Hi guys! New book! I hope you like the first chapter! Comment and vote bc I love u guys 💕

@lrhemmings96 ©

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