My Heart Goes

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3 times Chapa heard/felt Bose's heartbeat speed up or beat at a fast pace.

Tw: Swearing


1. Missing You

Chapa had just gotten home from the park with her sister, the trip cut short because Sage was going to a friends house, then her phone rang. She went to her nightstand and picked it up, it was Bose. She clicked the green button and answered the phone.

"Hello, Bosey, how are you?" She asked.

"Hey, Chappy! And if you must know, I'm better now that I can hear your beautiful voice!" Bose cheerfully said.

"God. You are so cheesy." Chapa rolled her eyes, though a smile spread across her face.

"And you love me for it!" Bose teased.


"It's true and you know it! In fact, I'm willing to bet you're smiling right now!"

Chapa didn't answer as that was exactly what she was doing.

"I'm going to take that silence as yes, you are smiling right now, too bad I can't see that pretty smile of yours!"

A blush spread across Chapa's cheeks, and she sighed. "Okay, as much as I'm glad you called me, is there a reason you called me or did you just call me to flatter me?"

"Oh, yeah! I completely forgot but I found out something cool while I was on the phone with Miles!" Bose sounded really excited as he talked.

"And that is?" Chapa asked.

"Well, we were on the phone talking about games and what not and I had my phone on my chest so I didn't have to hold it and could play the game we were talking about, it was also so he could hear me better because apparently the microphone on my phone isn't working well. And as it turns out, my microphone worked well enough that he could literally hear my heartbeat echoing through the phone, and yet not pick up my voice when I'm only three feet from it.." Chapa didn't need to look at his face to know he had just rolled his eyes.

"So, your phone speaker isn't working but could still pick up your heartbeat? Chapa summarized. "Wait, how come the microphone picked it up though? Usually, microphones wouldn't be able to."

"You're right, normally you wouldn't, but I guess my heart was beating faster than normal and as a result the microphone picked up on it."

Chapa raised an eyebrow, "Why was your heart beating so fast?"

"I kid you not, when he mentioned hearing it I was literally thinking about you, I missed you. We haven't seen each other in forever!"

"Well, first of all, that's sounds sappy as hell. Second, I saw you just 2 days ago." Chapa replied, rolling her eyes in feign annoyance.

"Firstly, I take that as a compliment! Secondly, that was 48 hours ago, 2880 minutes ago, or 172800 seconds ago!" Bose complained.

"Did you look that up and write it in that blue journal you carry around just to say that when I replied that way?" Chapa asked.


On Bose's side of the call

Bose was sitting at his desk and was absent mindedly doodling flowers and stars on the pages of his blur journal, the one he carried with him often, he also twisted in the chair he was sitting in using his foot as he did so. When Chapa asked him this question, Bose looked up toward the top of the page where he had wrote: "2 Days: 48 hours, 2880 minutes, 172800 seconds."

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