Rant to me I Like the Sound, I Like Your Voice...

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Bose is a yapper, Chapa listens.

Tw: Swearing, angst (feel like It's important I add angst).


Chapa has always been a listener, Bose has always been a talker, they work this way. Bose would come to Chapa to rant about his day and Chapa would listen contentedly. Chapa was the only one who didn't always say that he should "Shut his trap" or that he was "talking too much" and how it was "annoying". She let him speak his mind and and when he was done, she would offer advice or attempt to comfort him, all depending on the topic of the rant. Bose liked this about her, she wouldn't judge him when the topics were random or weird and out of pocket. Chapa liked listening to Bose, she liked making him feel heard, she liked hearing his voice especially. This dynamic made their friendship work, this is always how it's always been and there's nothing that will change that.

Or is there?


Chapa and Bose were walking to school together, like they always did, the twins walking somewhere behind them arguing. Like they always did. Bose was talking about dogs and how humans don't deserve them. "It's true! Most are so adorable and trust their owners with their life!" Bose argued. "I mean, some even risk their lives to save little kids! Not even some humans would do that." Bose insisted. Chapa chuckled, "That is true."

"Right! I love dogs so much! They're loyal, excited, happy, energetic, protective and playful creatures!" Bose added. "Huh, that would make you like a dog, wouldn't it?" At her response, Bose tilted his head to the side in confusion, only further proving her point more. Oh, Bose. Chapa thought, she thought it was cute how clueless Bose could be sometimes.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Well, you're always excited, happy, protective, playful, and loyal to everyone you like." Chapa reasoned. "Hmm..wouldn't that make you a cat then?" He asked. Chapa raised an eyebrow, "Elaborate."

"Well, cats are sassy, fluffy, cute, violent, mean, and generally fussy animals." Bose said. "...Fussy?" Chapa repeated, raising an eyebrow. "Uh, you know, sometimes when you're irritated you tend to get fussy.." Bose explained. "When I ever been "fussy"?" Chapa asked. "Three days ago on Monday when Danger Force was asked to be security at a party Vice Mayor was hosting, half way through the party you started getting irritated by the loud music which led you to start complaining about how loud it was and how it was too crowded."

"It was too loud in there." Chapa defended herself. "Sure, but you were complaining about it every five seconds!" Bose chuckled. Chapa rolled her eyes, "I was not complaining that much," She huffed. Bose shrugged, "Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night, sparky." Chapa only rolled her eyes in response.

They then soon approached the school and began to walk inside. Once they were inside they headed to their lockers. Chapa opened hers and pulled out the books for her first few classes, Bose did the same. They then walked to their classroom and sat in their respective seats. The teacher came in and began teaching.

Halfway through the lecture, Bose leaned forward and tapped on Chapa's shoulder. Chapa leaned back in her seat, briefly glancing at him. "What's up?" She asked. (They're whispering by the way.) "Do you think the death penalty is a good thing?" Bose asked. "What? Why are you thinking about the death penalty?" Chapa asked, generally confused. She turned to face him as he opened mouth to speak again. "Because I was thinking about yo-er..danger force and it spiraled into thinking about how certain ones of us are violent and since we can't exactly kill people, they would be all for using the death penalty." Bose began explaining, quickly catching himself. Chapa raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on his weirdness.

"But..then that got me thinking about whether or not the death penalty is a good thing. I mean if a human-sometimes even more-kills another human, one getting the penalty for murdering people, won't there be the same amount if not more murderers in the world?" Bose concluded. Chapa pondered this for a moment, "Huh. Never thought of it that way." She thought again for a moment. "If that's the case, couldn't you just kill two people? And then once there's a low enough number, just have them kill each other." Chapa offered, shrugging. "Like a free for all?" Bose asked. "Yeah-"

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