Badum Badum

162 3 242

3 times Bose has heard/felt Chapa's heartbeat.

TW: Swearing


1. Warm

Bose, Mika, and Miles were currently on a mission. They were also currently knee deep in a dark, sticky substance behind a relatively large factory. The trio were at the moment struggling through the substance, which may have just been tar, to try and make their way back to the door. AWOL did want to teleport away himself but considering he was the reason they were here in the first place, he couldn't, he also teleport all three of them because they were a good distance away from each other that they couldn't grab onto each other. "How did this happen again?" Brainstorm asked. Shoutout rolled her eyes, "Because someone decided it would be a good idea to follow a robber that was running in the opposite direction of the entrance and exit!"

"Okay, this is not my fault!" Awol huffed. "Are you sure about that?" Bose said. "Dude! You're supposed to be on my side!" AWOL crossed his arms. "And which side got us stuck in tar?" Shoutout interjected. "Again, not my fault!" AWOL defended. "Let's flashback then, so we'll see who's fault it actually was." Brainstorm offered. "Fine."


AWOL, Shoutout, and Brainstorm had burst into the factory ready to fight the two guys who were trying to rob it. AWOL said a witty catch phrase and they began fighting. Brainstorm levitated a heavy box that was off to the side and dropped it on top of one the guys' head making him fall to the ground with a thud. Shoutout attempted to super scream the other guy but he dodged it attempted kick her. Shoutout dodged and moved around in a semicircle until the bad guy chuckled and bowed. "It's truly been a pleasure Danger Force but I must go now!" He said. Turned on his heel and dashed out the window behind him. "Follow him!" AWOL called. "AWOL-"

AWOL already ran through the exit nearest to the window before Shoutout could even finish her sentence. "Should we-?" Brainstorm began. "Just go." Shoutout said, pinching her nose with her fingers. Brainstorm ran over to the exit that AWOL left out of, Shoutout not far behind him. That's when they found out that the ground just outside all the exits had been coated in tar. Which meant they were stuck until they found a way out.

End of Flashback 

"Now it's pretty clear who's fault it is now." Shoutout said. "Yep. Yours." AWOL said. "What? No, it's yours!" Shoutout said. "Nuh uh, if you hadn't sent Brainstorm after me, I could of warned both of you not to come out the exit!" AWOL argued. "I wouldn't of had to send Brainstorm after you if you didn't run through the door without a plan!" Shoutout argued back. "Well, maybe if your aim was better we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!" AWOL countered. "My aim has nothing to do with this!"

The two continued to argue until Bose groaned inwardly drawing the attention of the two twins. "This wouldn't of happened if Volt were here!" He complained. "Dude. Now is not the time for you to complain." AWOL said. "That's easy for you to say, you're single and the reason she's not here!" Brainstorm retorted. "That was not my fault!" AWOL exclaimed. "Seems like nothing's your fault nowadays." Shoutout said, rolling her eyes. "I seriously mean it this time!" AWOL insisted. "You stole her food, pranked her, and insulted her fighting style all in the same day. You're lucky she didn't kill you the following day when she saw you." Bose recapped. "Okay, first of all, I didn't know the food was hers, that prank was meant for you and yeah, insulting her fighting style wasn't the best idea."

"You think?" Brainstorm rolled his eyes. "Now she refuses to fight crime because quote: "If my fighting style is that bad you won't need it, figure it out yourselves". See why we don't insult our strongest fighter?" He continued, gesturing the ground where they were stuck. "And if she were here she'd probably say something like, "Brainstorm, you have telekinesis which means you can lift both people and things that have matter- oh, wait I have telekinesis." Brainstorm realized. "You just realized that?" AWOL asked. "Shut up, you weren't helping me remember either." Brainstorm replied, rolling his eyes. "Just get us out of here Brainstorm."

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