The incident. (A present for my friend)

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A one shot for my lovely friend's birthday that contains Bapa. Also contains Bisexual Chapa because Bose gives Bi Wife energy (it also fits in the story and contributes to the plot).

Tw: Swearing, implied Biphobia, sexism, shitty people, (Sorry Peejee that your birthday present has  bad people in it, it was part of the plot for the incident and is also why I'm making another birthday presenf for you<3) Violence and mentions of blood.


Bose, Chapa, Mika, and Miles had decided to go to the mall just to look around and buy some things. Once they got there Mika reminded them, mainly Bose, to stick close to each other so no one gets lost. Bose was half listening, he was looking for something in particular: A gift for Chapa. Why? Because it's Pride Month and Chapa won't let him give her his wallet so he's instead going to give her random gifts and hope she takes them and doesn't ask questions. Also because Chapa always without fail gets him one or two things pride related as a "gag gift" and he accepts them gladly even though he doesn't like men.


Anyways, Bose just nods along to what Mika's saying and offers a salute when she stops. The four walked around for a bit until they came across the escalator. The four of them climbed onto it and just as they were reaching the top, Bose felt something tug at the bottom of his right pant leg, he might've gotten too to the side because now his pant leg had gotten caught in the side of the escalator. "Shit." Bose cursed tugging at his pant leg. "You good?" Chapa turned toward him and asked as the other three made it to the top. "Yep! All good, go ahead, I'll catch up later!" Bose answered, plastering on a smile. "Call me if you need anything or got lost, do not try to wonder off on your own."

Chapa lingered for a moment before turning and leaving. Bose turned back to his leg and attempted to pull himself free again. Upon realizing his pant leg was too far into the escalator to be pulled out, Bose opted to rip the pant leg instead. So he did, he pulled on the part just below his knee and ripped the Jean pant leg and freed himself. The escalator swallowed up his pant leg and went back to working normally and dropped him off at the top. 

Bose frowned when he looked at his pant leg and realized just how much of it he lost to the escalator. He decided to go look for a new pair before he went to go find the other three since he couldn't exactly walk around a mall looking like he just escaped from being dragged into Hell. Bose wondered around until he found a store that sold clothes, the store was named "Blackjack". Bose had heard a lot about this store, good things and bad. He didn't see any other clothing stores around so he (cautiously) walked inside, it reminded Bose of Hot Topic, or at least what is used to be. Bose only knew what Hot Topic was because occasionally Chapa brought him with her to find things to replace certain things on her suit or buy key chains or random trinkets. Bose recalled a video that had warned him about something in Blackjack, something about not going to a certain part of it? Which part?

Right, the back, never venture to the back of an emo store. Bose didn't know why and because without fail when he's told not to do something, he was about to go to the back when something shinny caught his eye. He was now entirely distracted and picked up the shinny thing, it was pin. A small pride pin that was a rainbow flag and had glitter and acrylic rhinestones on it. Bose held onto it as he continued wondering throughout the store, his previous mission now forgotten. He found a few other pride related things, including a pin with a frog colored the colors of the Bisexual flag, a shirt that said "Girl, Bi" on it and another shirt that said "Bi Wife Energy" on it. The last one was for himself, he wondered around the store for a bit before he headed to the cash register and paid. Just as he left he remembered he still didn't have a pair of pants to change into. So, he turned on his heel and walked right back into store.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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