Chapter 101-110

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Chapter 101

The two quickly got dressed and went downstairs.

Lin Xianfeng brought back a lot of things, food and daily necessities, and the ones for the family were given to Liu Yumei.

The remaining large bag was for Bai Qing.

However, these things can be shared slowly between the two later.

The most important thing now is to eat.

Bai Qing was really hungry.

When cooking in the main room, the temperature can rise a little, so it is not so cold when you push the door open.

Seeing the two children come out, Liu Yumei's eyebrows and eyes are smiling, but she is cooking, so it is not easy to greet the two people, so she smiled and turned her head away.

Lin Xiuyu was lighting the fire, and seeing her brother and sister-in-law come out, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

Lin Xianjin and his brother were still busy with furniture in the side room.

Lin Xianjin has officially started now.

When he really started, he found that he could do the things he had practiced before very quickly and with high proficiency.

Lin Xianxing has not had much to do recently except delivering goods at night, so he can help Lin Xianjin.

In fact, compared with Lin Xianxing's livelihood, Lin Xianjin's carpentry work does not bring much income.

Compared with farming, life is definitely better, but not much better.

After all, the total amount of money is not much.

However, Lin Xianjin is a person who knows how to be satisfied. He knows how much he can eat according to his ability. He does not have the shrewd mind of Lin Xianxing, nor his reaction speed and ability.

Therefore, this craft is very suitable for him now.

Lin Xianjin had helped Lin Xianxing before, and the two brothers also made clear accounts, so it was not easy to have conflicts.

So now Lin Xianxing will also help Lin Xianjin.

Of course, the money for the work is not much, so Lin Xianjin can't give much either.

However, brothers should make clear accounts, and some accounts are not calculated that way.

So, Lin Xianxing doesn't care about the amount of money, as long as he can help with things that are easy to do.

It wasn't until dinner was served that the two brothers packed up and came over.

Dinner was eaten at the big table in the main hall. Lin Xianfeng brought back a lot of things. This year's life is indeed better, and the eldest son hasn't been home for a long time, so dinner naturally has to be richer.

So, braised pork, fried fish, meatballs, pork rib soup...

There are many meat dishes, and there are also vegetarian dishes.

However, green vegetables were hard to come by, so Bai Qing bought some in the mall.

The price of green vegetables in the mall was also high in winter.

In summer, the price of Chinese cabbage was one point per kilogram, but now it has become five points per kilogram.

But since it was for her family, Bai Qing didn't care that much.

So, the dinner was very rich.

Although Lin Xianxing had complained about Liu Yumei's cooking skills before, she has actually improved very quickly in the past six months.

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