02 | When We Met?

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"Two days

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"Two days. Just forty-eight hours to get your act together. After that, it's sink or swim – that investigation or unemployment. Your choice." The manager's voice ringed.

"But sir, two of our members are injured. How do you expect us to—" Jisoo's plea was met with a thunderous slam of the manager's hand on the table, sending shockwaves through the room.

"I don't give a damn about your excuses. Complaints are flooding faster than I can count. People are vanishing into thin air the moment they step foot into that cursed territory. We need answers, and it's your responsibility to find them. Not mine!"

His steps faded away, leaving the girls reeling. "Do as I say, or consider yourselves out of a job." He spat, before storming out of the office.

Jennie slumped into her chair, a storm of frustration brewing behind her eyes. "That old fossil needs a reality check." She muttered, prompting a sly grin from the younger members.

"Leave it to us; we'll show him who's boss." They vowed, until Jisoo's iron grip halted their enthusiasm. "No more games, Maknaes. This is too serious to play with." She warned.

The Maknaes nodded solemnly. "With just two days, we need to gather every scrap of intel we can. No room for error, not after last year's disaster. It's a dangerous game, but we have no choice." Jisoo declared.

"Let's move. Maknaes, get the wheels in motion. We're heading straight to that village. Jennie, gather all files and draft the questions. We're going in prepared." She commanded.

As they sat inside the car, tension hung heavy in the air, a silent acknowledgment that they were venturing into a dangerous territory. Each member wore a mask of forced composure.

In the backseat, Jisoo and Jennie engaged in a hushed discussion, their voices quivering as they suspected the grim details of the deaths.

Rosé squeezed her fists together. Behind closed eyelids, the haunting memories of the previous night's encounter replayed, the sting of her injuries and the haunting echoes.

Meanwhile, Lisa gripped the steering wheel with an intensity that matched the tightening of her jaw.

She knew deep down that the events of the previous night were a warning, a warning to turn back, but she found herself drowning into it.

"There might be potential allies among the villagers." Rosé ventured, her voice laced with uncertainty. Jisoo nodded in agreement, though her expression remained grim.

"But they won't offer assistance willingly. We'll need to persuade them, bribing might work." She remarked, her gaze fixed on Lisa.

"Lisa, pull over at the nearest restaurant. We need to strategize and gather our resources." Jennie instructed, and with a nod, Lisa complied, steering the car to a halt.

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