03 | Strange Attention?

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As everyone else focused diligently on their work, one person seemed unusually distracted by the unfolding scene

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As everyone else focused diligently on their work, one person seemed unusually distracted by the unfolding scene.

Seated in his office, Kim Seokjin shifted through each file, turning pages with interest, his attention fixated on a particular individual.

So engrossed was he in his investigation that he failed to notice the figure standing right before him, holding a stack of files.

"Um, sir?" Her voice broke through his reverie, eliciting an irritated hum from Jin.

"Can you spare a moment of your attention?" She pressed, her patience wearing thin as she awaited his acknowledgment.

With a heavy sigh, Jin closed the file before him and finally looked up, only to be met with the sight of her standing before him—the object of his obsession, stirring the depths of his demon within.

With a heavy sigh, Jin closed the file before him and finally looked up, only to be met with the sight of her standing before him—the object of his obsession, stirring the depths of his demon within

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Jisoo bowed respectfully before him, a polite smile gracing her lips as she presented him with the stack of files.

"Here are the files you requested. Since Eunjoo seemed preoccupied, I took the charge of compiling them for you." She explained.

Jin nodded in acknowledgment, gesturing for her to place the files on his desk.

In a sudden twist, one of the files slipped from Jin's grasp, its pages scattering across the floor as if carried by an invisible gust of wind.

"Ah, let me help you, sir." Jisoo offered, bending down to gather the scattered papers.

But as she did, shock coursed through her veins. Each page bore not only her professional information but also intimate details of her personal life.

Her eyes shot up to meet Jin's, disbelief written across her features. "What is this?" She asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and disbelief.

Jin met her gaze with a serene smile. "Why bother asking questions when you already have all the answers?" He replied cryptically.

Her gasp caught in her throat as his hand swiftly covered her mouth, silencing her impending outburst.

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