The flower shop boy

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Lloyd POV:

I was walking down the streets of ninjago city when I stumbled upon a flower shop. The flowers were pretty and I thought that Nya might like some flowers so I headed inside.

I looked around and found some yellow roses and Orchids. They looked pretty and while I was gonna check out I bumped into a guy. "Ah! I'm sorry I wasn't look-" I quickly said before realizing who I was apologizing to.

Brad Tudabone. My old friend from school. He had fluffy black hair and bright sapphire eyes. I think I kinda blushed a bit but I hoped I didn't show it. "Oh! Lloyd is that you" Brad asked me. I was shocked he remembered my name cause you know it's been a lot of years since we met and stuff

"O-oh yeah it's Brad right?" I asked him. OF COURSE ITS BRAD I REMEMBER THOSE BEAUTIFUL BLUE EYES. Wait. "Yeah it's me, so how have you been?" He asked me. I think I was silent for a second before replying. "Uh it's been alright you know ninja stuff, watching my friends die, fighting, new villains everywhere, and other stuff you know"

"Oh that's a lot." He said. "Yeah he-hey maybe you want to get coffee tomorrow or something cause we should catch up and you know!" He shot him finger guns. I question my will to live every day. He chuckled at the finger guns and replied, "yeah sure let's meet at that coffee shop down the street, I heard it was nice maybe at 3 pm?"

"Yea-yeah okay see you soon." I quickly paid for my flowers and ran out of the store as fast as possible. I ran into the monastery still holding the flowers that I picked out for Nya. They still had its petals so that was good. I found Nya and gave her the flowers.

"Aww thank you Lloyd" She said as she gave me a hug. "Jay never gave me flowers that much, I appreciate it" She then pinched my cheeks and kissed my forehead before walking away.

I loved seeing my sister happy but then I remembered I had a date tomorrow, or is it a date? I like to call it a friend meet up. I went into my room and lay down into my bed and starred at the ceiling wondering.

There's no way I'm in love right? Oh god, maybe I am.. My heart was racing when I realized who I was talking to, and like I kept stuttering which probably made me awkward. And what about tomorrow what if I do something embarrassing and he doesn't want to see me anymore.

These thoughts kept coming racing through my mind till it was about dinner time and it was Zane's night to cook so that's a good sign. I walked out of my room and sat down at my seat at the table. Everyone was talking and eating but I wasn't, I sitting in silence and kept playing around with my food, I think I lost my appetite for tonight.

Cole noticed and asked, "hey Lloyd you haven't touched your food in a while what's up?" I looked up and said, "oh it's nothing I just gotta do something important tomorrow" I replied. "What's so important that you haven't ate yet?" He kept asking me. "Oh umm I just gotta you know ninja stuff" That's where I messed up.

"Ninja stuff? Then shouldn't we all be on it together cause you always say we do things as a team" Cole stated. I kept silent before saying "hey I'm the leader here so I don't gotta say anything." I Scoffed.

"Hey now you may be the leader but you'll still the youngest and we're not on ninja duty." Cole said with a smirk. He's on to me but how. "It's just something that I think I have to do alone you know." I said. "You don't have to worry about it."

He looked at me and then said "alright I'll shut up." Cole then ate a piece of his food. I still couldn't eat so I excused myself to my room and then changed into some PJ's and flopped onto my bed.

I was kind of nervous about tomorrow and how Cole almost figured me out but it worked out in the end. I was still scared for tomorrow but it will be okay right? I hope nothing bad happens to us.

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