Coffee date

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Brad's POV.

What colour suits me more? Blue or green? I stood before the mirror, slipping 2 of my jumpers on repeadedly, unable to choose which to pick. Unable to be certain about anything about myself, was my hair okay? Did i smell good? The smallest things I usually never would've paid attention to seemed like a huge deal. I couldn't quite figure out why. The spree of thoughts was interupted by my phone alarm, '9 am - coffee with Lloyd' the title read before I turned it off. A blue jumper should do, I hope.

Sam, my best friend and co-owner of my flowershop was kind enough to cover for me at work so I have the day off. I owe him big time, making him listen to my ranting about today's plans, and about Lloyd. I couldn't keep his name out of my mouth ever since I bumped into him yesterday. Something I still feel awfully stupid for.

The sound of birds made for a great distraction from overthinking every single thing about myself, I almost wanted the walk to last forever with the sun caressing me. Finally I reached and entered the coffee shop, the scent of coffee washed over me, a pleasant wake up call. A couple people here and there softly chatted with music playing in the background, a barista with long blonde hair put in 2 braids gave me a warm smile as she passed me with a cup of coffee. I smiled back and took a seat at a 2 persons table near a window, morning sunlight shining right at me again. I rested my face in my palm, drying my other sweaty palm off against my trousers. My stomach was swirling, I felt my heart race in my chest. Deep breaths were of no use.

A bell that I didn't happen to notice when I walked in chimed, when I looked up I felt my heart skip a beat. Lloyd walked in, immediately spotting me and giving me a small gave. It was unusual to see him dressed in a green hoodie and white trousers, to the contrary of his ninja suit or black hoodie he wore as a kid. I raised my face from my palm, my lips involuntarily curling into a smile.

"Heya Brad!" He spoke when he sat down across from me.
His green eyes glowed like emeralds in the sunlight, I felt myself getting weak the longer I stared.
"Hey Lloyd, how you doing?"
"Alright, you?"
"Well, very well."
"I like your jumper, blue suits you." I felt my face heat up.
"Thanks. I uh, I think green suits you aswell."

Lloyd smiled and stared to talk about some crazy lady he encountered when walking to the cafe, though I didn't pick up most of what he said. All I picked up was how his eyes squinted when he smiled, and how small dimples formed on his cheeks. How he brushed his hair away from his face repeatedly, and how it shimmered.

He stopped talking, and I snapped out of my trance when the same barista approached our table. She gave us a smile, pulling out a small notepad and a pen.
"Anything I can get you gentlemen?"

I hurriedly looked through the card on the table, she turned to Lloyd. "I'll have a cappuccino latte, please." He said, while I was still looking at the options. She noted it down, and from behind the card I noticed her hand on his shoulder, her finger trailing down his arm.
"A sweet drink for a sweet boy?" She whispered.

I looked at Lloyd, who looked up at her and snickered. My stomach dropped, something almost stinging in my chest. I lightly kicked the bartender's leg from under the table, she snapped her hand back and turned to me.
"Anything for you?"
"A black coffee, thank you."

She smiled at me with narrowed eyes filled with annoyance before turning around and walking off. I placed the card down, softly sighing.
"Everything alright?" Lloyd asked, I looked at him and nodded.
"Everything alright, thanks Lloyd."
"You don't seem alright."

We locked eyes, once again I felt my heart pounding. "I promise, i'm good." I did feel better after she left, Lloyd gave me an uncertain nod. He asked about my flower shop, so I told him all about it. About all the flowers, and what it's like working there, all that boring stuff just to hold a conversation. Through all of it, Lloyd stared at me, nodding and smiling. It made me stutter at times, or forget what I wanted to say, until I fell completely quiet as we locked eyes.

"There you go."The barista returned, placing our cups before us. We gave her a thankful nod, though my eyes dwelled on a piece of folded paper sticking out from under Lloyd's cup. Her eyes stayed on Lloyd for a second before she looked at me and grinned, leaving right after.

Lloyd noticed the paper too, slipping it out from under the cup and opening it.
"What is it?" I asked.
Lloyd stayed quiet for a moment, his lips curling into a small smile.
"Her phone number." He replied.

He folded it again and placed it on the table, taking a sip of his cappuccino. I however just stared at the paper, my stomach dropping like before. Was it jealousy? Frustration that appeared out of the blue? It might have been.

We drank our coffee in comfortable silence, making small talk here and there. We softly sang along to a song that played from the speakers, took a sip of each other's drinks just to taste it. Lloyd had a good one, maybe I should order his drink too from now on.

"We should do this more often." Lloyd said, placing his empty cup onto the small plate before him. I smiled, finishing my drink a moment earlier.
"I'd love to."

He smiled and stood up, grabbing his plate and cup. I followed his actions, and we both went to the counter to pay. The bartender from before greeted us, taking our plates and cups and placing them down beside the cash register. "I forgot something, one moment." I said, returning to our table while Lloyd paid for his and, to my surprise, my drink. I took the paper with the barista's phone number on it that Lloyd left, and returned to them.

"Thank you, have a good say sir." She said to Lloyd as she handed him the receipt. Lloyd looked at me,
"You got everything?"

As he walked towards the exit, i slid the piece of paper over the counter to the barista. She gave me a confused glance.
"He's not interested." I said.
"How would you know?"
I hesitated with what I wanted to say.
"He's interested in someone else."

I winked at her before walking towards Lloyd who was waiting for me at the exit, my heart raced but it was worth it. The satisfaction of quiet embarrassment from her was worth it all. Was it necessary? Not really, but hell did it make me feel good. Maybe it was jealousy after all.

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