Flourish under the moon

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Brads POV

I rolled over my bed, body exhausted but mind racing. The scene kept repeating in my head, "Thanks for everything today" he said before he kissed me on the cheek, he actually kissed me.

I let out a shaky breath as I rolled onto my back, covering my whole face with my my hands. The moment looped in my head like a song on a broken CD. My feelings for Lloyd has returned from sitting dormant, the haunted my head, he was all I saw when my eyes are closed.

I ran my hands through my hair and sat up, hugging my knees as my eyes drafted around my moonlight room. Then they shifted to my phone, laying beside my pillow. I grabbed it, hissing as the light hurt my eyes, the time read 2:32 am.

Lloyd :)
"Sleep well ;D"
1:20 am

Somehow I didn't see the notification before, they my eyes focused on my lock screen of Lloyd in the cafe, sitting beside me, resting his face on his palm, his eyes closed. A small smile crept onto my face.

"Can't sleep XD you?"
2:33 am

I want expecting a reply, so I shit off my phone and laid back down. A minute later, it went off, illuminating my room again.

Lloyd :)
"Me neither lol. What are you doing? @_@
2:34 am

I rolled onto my stomach, resting my face on my pillow.

"Just laying, boredd"
2:34 am

Lloyd :)
"Yeah, about the same :b"
"Honestly, I have enough energy to even go outside -_-"
2:35 am

My eyes widened a little, an idea brewing up in my head.

"Wanna go outside"
2:35 am

Lloyd :)
"At this time? The ninja would kill me!"
2:36 am

"You're a ninja, sneak out. You'll be back before they notice. I have something for you"
2:36 am

Lloyd :)
"Okay ^_^ Meet you at Ninjago park?"
2:36 am

"See you there :D"
2:37 am

I sat up and shut my phone off. I was going to see Lloyd again, in the moonlight, all alone. I stood up, jumping a little as I flapped my fists around, quietly giggling to myself. Hurriedly, I slipped a hoodie on over my pjs and grabbed my phone. Considering I live alone, I ran downstairs and fixed my hair quickly before rushing outside, heading to Ninjago park.

All the way there, my skin prickled with overwhelming excitement. It kept me warm in a cold night, giving the energy to keep up a quick pace. In the span of 15 minutes, I was there, sitting at the illuminated fountain. After a moment, I grabbed a small tin can from my pocket, opening it and picking out one of the many small flowers inside. They were the size of my palm, its petals glowing a warm yellow.

Taking a deep breath, I put the tin fan away and twirled the flower in my fingers, admiring it like a star in the sky. They were incredibly rare flowers, worth thousands of yen for their healing properties. Just by holding it, its energy seeping through my veins, regulating my rapid heartbeat. It glows remind me of Lloyd, he was exceptional. Always had been the light in the dark tunnel. Always had been my light anyway.

After dead silence in the park and dwelling on my thoughts, a paid of hands grabbed my shoulders from behind, making my heart drop. My elbow shot back and hit the person behind me, a splashing sound soon after. Shooting up and turning around, I covered my mouth before I burst out in giggles.

"Was that your gift?" Lloyd chuckled as he sat in the water, a stream flowing down his hair and face.

"Oh goddess, no I'm sorry!" I laughed as I walked up to him, extending my hand. He took it, his cold hands meeting mine, his touch was almost addictive. His green eyes had a soft glow to them, they squinted when he smiled as I pulled him up. The flowers calming properties had gone to waste, my insides swirled all over again.

Lloyd steeped out of the fountain, embracing himself with his hands as he chuckled. "Not particularly a warm welcome, Brad" he said, I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "I'm sorry Lloyd- so sorry." I twirled the flower in my fingers again, my eyes locked with his. His eyes drooped down at the flower then up to meet mine.

I looked at the flower and held it out to him, "I wanted to give you this.." Lloyd stayed quiet, starring at before his lips curled into a smile. He took the flower, his fingers brushing mine, then admired it up close. "No way, a butterlight?" I nodded, "it has healing properties upon physical contact, it also doesn't wither, so I thought.. uhm, yeah that you might like it.."

Lloyd face lit up, then before I could react, he pulled me into a hug. Once the shook wore off, I dug my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent like a drug, cherishing every moment of his closure. His arms tightened around my waist when I wanted to let go, so we stood in silence, sharing my warmth with him.

"My legs are getting tired" I muttered after some time, my voice muffled in the fabric of his wet shirt. He chuckled softly and pulled away, sitting down by the fountain. I sat beside him, fidgeting with my hands. "Are you cold?" I asked, he shook his head "I'm alright"

Despite my words, I noticed goosebumps on his arms. So I ignored his statement and took my hoodie off, slipping over Lloyd's head. He didn't struggle against me, stupidly smiling as he glanced at me and slipped his arms through the sleeves. "Thank you"

I returned the sheepish smile, resting my head on his shoulders. He rested his head on mine, admiring the flowers in his fingers. I admired it as well, but it wasn't my main focus. For a moment it felt as we were alone, the sound of water muffled, the city went quiet for for is. Lloyd raised his head and looked at me, i returned the look, gazing at each other in silence.

I think I saw him lean closer for a split second, but he spoke, "I've missed you." We exchanged a smile. "I've missed you too." Our gaze lasted us a little longer when a phone call disturbed us. I head Lloyd groans a little annoyance as he reached for his phone, answering it. I could hear muffled voices, their angry tone, my best guess was that it was Nya. Lloyd muffled some "yeah," "okay," "sorry," "give me some minutes."

I felt my heart sink a little at the thought of leaving, I placed my hand over Lloyd's free hand. He glances at me, a gaze I couldn't exactly read. "Yeah everything is fine, I'm coming home." He said in annoyance before he hung up, stuffing his phone in his pocket. He looked at me again, a small sadness in his eyes. "I have to go."

"I know." I whispered, grabbing his hand as I placed my grand on his shoulder again. He stroked my hair, keeping quiet, patient till I was ready to pull away. Eventually, I was. I raised my head and let go of his hand, we stood up, no words exchanged. He stuffed the butterlight in his hair, which was still wet.

We walked in silence, comfortable silence, a silence that told us both that we won't mention this night ever. but that we would remember it, cherish it. He brought me home, wanting to return me my hoodie but I insisted that he keep it, so all he returned were my house keys and the tin can with the butterlight.

He hugged me goodbye, his hands embracing my waist, slipping under my shirt and leaving trials of warmth on my skin. I would miss it, and he knew that. He leaned back, still embracing me and kissed my forehead, "sleep well."

"Sleep well Lloyd, thank you for everything." I said with a smile, gazing at him. It crossed my head to kiss him but i couldn't, despite in my arms, he felt out of reach, superior. Like an angel. My mind dwelled too long, he pulled away and walked back, giving me a small wave before turning away and running off. I looked after him, holding the tin can to my chest. Assuming that the sun was already rising, i chuckled knowing he would get into great  trouble with Nya.

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