Ch 29

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And in that moment I froze maybe it's just a dream I thought

I pinched my self and that's when I knew it wasn't and I panicked

"Peter I know your here leave the guys alone and take me" I cried

The light went on and Hayes came down with worry in his eyes

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Y-ou need to get out Peter he he he's here" I cried

"No no one is here" he said

"Trust me I I know what I heard Peter is here" I cried

"Peter is in the hospital the doctor just called me apparently the house phone was on his emergency contact list... Peter tried to commit suicide...Peter is dead" he explained

"No no he isn't dead he can't be dead he was just here" I panicked

Hayes POV
Selena has been acting weird lately me and the guys think that she should see a specialist

We are worried

What if she starts using drugs



Or she just ends her life

I can't live with my self if that happened

Selena's POV
Everyone thinks I'm crazy I know what I heard and no one believes me

I have no where to go because every where I go someone has to be there EVEN THE BATHROOM they don't even treat me like a human who need their space

They treat me like this crazy hospital patient who is going to hurt themselves

I'm not allowed to go to parties
I'm not allowed to watch scary movies
I'm not allowed to go swimming in the deep end
I'm no allowed to drive
I'm not allowed near glass,pencil sharpeners or anything with a blade
I'm not allowed to take pills without anyone home
Oh yeah and

I walked downstairs in my bunny slippers they would always make me feel special or different in a good way but now it just reminds me of the happy person I used to be

"Good morning Selena" Shawn said with a smile

"Don't you mean morning Selena ready for another painful day of medicine and everyone treating you like a crazy person" i said in a sarcastic voice

"Come on take your pills" he said

I took the pills and went downstairs because it's quite there and my guitar is down there

I walked downstairs and graves my guitar that Shawn got me a while back

I started playing a song I was working on with Shawn its called "Air"

Never thought that we would end up here,
Should've known it from the start
I know you mean it when you say you love me,
But we're trying way too hard

Used to think that we would last forever,
How could I've been so wrong
Never thought I'd be the one to say this,
What if our time has come and gone?

You, you don't mean no harm
But you're stringin' me along and I don't have the time to spare
And I, I'm trying hard to breathe
But you're suffocating me, this time I'm coming up for air

Air [12x]

Always tryna put your two cents in
Then expecting me to change
Tried to fix me up but I'm not broken,
All you do is leave me stained

Told you not to tie me down too quickly,
Take it slow it's not a race
And you keep on tryna reel me in but,
All I really need is space

You, you don't mean no harm
But you're stringin' me along and I don't have the time to spare
And I, I'm trying hard to breathe
But you're suffocating me, this time I'm coming up for air

Air [12x]
Air [12x]

Trying to hold me down
But I'm surfacing
It's hard to let you go,
But I gotta leave

You, you don't mean no harm
But you're stringin' me along and I don't have the time to spare
And I, I'm trying hard to breathe
But you're suffocating me, I'm coming up for air

You, you don't mean no harm
But you're stringin' me along and I don't have the time to spare
And I, I'm trying hard to breathe
But you're suffocating me, this time I'm coming up for air

Air [12x]
Air [12x]

I finished in tears

"Bravo wow" I heard a familiar voice say


"The one and only" he laughed

"B-b but your dead" I chocked

"Oh please I was the one that made that phone call pretending that I was dead" he laughed


I grabbed my guitar and hit Peter on the head before he could get away


"Not anymore..." Shawn said with fear in his eyes
sorry for not updating
I promise at least 2 more chapters a week to make up for not updating




AND don't forget toooo SMILE 😊

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