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I have decided to cut out Nash from my life completely because he has hurt me more times than I could Count  and I have forgave him every time just for him to hurt me again I'm not gonna wast my time on him

I decided to go back to North Carolina and I'm definitely not staying with my mom I'm staying with my old fried Aaron I miss him so much I haven't seen him in like Years basically

And it's not just gonna be us two his friends I think Sammy and Skate are staying there until the Jacks come back to Omaha I don't know and some girl I don't even know her name

(A/N current listing to Shawn 😂 if you get the "I don't even know her Name you the real MVP)

I packed my bags and said by to everyone except Nash but he didn't seem to care which made me want to punch him so hard

**After the flight**

I walk out of the Airport and find my old best friend and literally cry and jump in his arms

"I missed you so much" I cried

"I haven't" he joked with bloodshot eyes

"Butt head" I laughed

"My butt is not on my head and if you were wondering it's Very Plump and not flat" he said in a British accent

We joked and laughed all the way to his house which is the same as I remember but the furniture is new

"Yo who is your beautiful friend" a guy asked coming down the stairs

He had no shirt on and tattoos all over his body he had abs I'm about to melt

"Shut up Nate (aka Skate for those who don't know)" Aaron said annoyed

"Anyway I'm Nate but people call me Skate and you are?" He introduced himself completely ignoring Aaron

I couldn't even speak this guy is so hot I'm literally about to pass out

"I-I'm Selena but people call me I don't have cool name that people call me but when I think of one I'll tell you" I said

"How about text it to me what's. Your number" he said

We exchanged numbers

"SMOTH" some other guy said patting Skates Back

"Im Sam but people call me Sammy" he said

Wtf why are Jack and Jacks friends so cute I can't handle this I need some air

"Okay okay that's enough guys Come on Selena let me show you to your room" Aaron said while grabbing my bags

**Dinner Time**

"I made food come eat BITCHES" I herd Sammy yelled from the kitchen

Mmm food it smelled good

He made chicken rice and Broccoli YUUMMM

I finished dinner and we all watched SpongeBob until we where Rudely interrupted buy the door bell

"I got it" I said since no one was getting up

I opened the door and almost pooped my pants


You guys though he was actually dead it's about to get. Real


I have more if you can handle it 😏





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