Ch. 7

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Today was the day that Jacob is taking me on a date and i cant wait. He told me and told me to wear casual. so i decided to wear white jeans, and oversized grey sweater that said LA with my grey Jordan's and a black snap back. Since i didn't know how to do my hair and makeup i decided to call Teala because she knows A LOT about this kind of stuff.

In less than 5 minutes Teala walked in. She curled my hair As for makeup lets just say ZAUUYYMMMMM i looked good. Jacob texed saying he was outside.

"see you later Teala" i yelled

"Have fun but not to much fun if you know what i mean"

"EWWWW Never"

i walked down stairs and i forgot that all the guys where their they all turned around.

"wear are you going" Aaron asked

"out on a date" i said with the biggest grin

once i said that Matthews and Aaron's face Droped.

" Be back at 8" Nash yelled

I opened the door and Jacob stood their with Flowers

"these are for you" he said in his sweetest voice ever

" thankyou their so beautiful"

i walked inside and put them in a vase with some water and with that we left.

" I forgot to ask wear exactliy are we going"

" The Carnival"


" i knew you would like it"

" I will beat you in every singal game" i stated

"suuuuurrrrreeee you will"

the car came to a halt and we got out. and he wouldn't let me pay for my own ticket

The first game we played was the game where you had to trow a ball and knock dowm all the pins and i won a giant teddy bear and jacob won a small teddy bear. we played bumper cars we had an amazing time we rode all the rides except the ferris weel.

We went and waited for the line to go on the ferris weel and we finaly got on.Wen we got to the top of the ferris weel the view was amazing. Thats when i realized something i dont like like Jacob. i don't want to lead him on tho. i will tell him once we get off the ride.

we finally got of i took a big breath and said it.

"Jacob... I....UM...dont think i like like you" i blurted out

" o thank goodness its not that your not cute it just that i think that i am inlove with someone else" he said

" OHHHHH Jacob has a CRUSH" i teased

he started blushing

" So tell me who is the lucky Girl" i teased

''Her name is Mahogany" i reaplied with the biggest grin on his face

" when do i meet this Mahogany"

"she dosent live here she lives in California"

"oh ok"

'' salena... i...i.... i am moving to california next week"

"WATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT???!!!!!!" i screamed

"it will be okay trust me"

i huged him realy tight and i didnt want to let go but i had to beacuse it was time to go home.

" I am going to miss you so much i am going to miss your smile your really bad jokes that are so bad its funny the pranks we would pull and your personality... and every thing about you" Jacob cried we were at our front door now

"lets play one more prank for old times sake" i suggested


i wispered in his ear what we are going to do and he smilled

i walked in the house and all the guys were there PERFECT


they all turned around

"IM DATING JACOB" and i kissed jacobs cheek


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Hope you had an awesome Christmas

Stay classy

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