"Stop talking to me"

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I walked in to go and work on my novel but enid is blasting music and it's disgustingly distracting me. I can normally sound it out but i cant seem to today, thats weird.. "Enid turn it down, Atleast a little; im trying to finish my novel." I say in a monotone voice like usual. "Since when did you mind my music? You never complain why now?" She says, something about her voice sounds soothing but uncomfortable at the same time. I just stayed silent, then turned to face her. "Stop talking to me." I say before i sigh. I go to turn around but she stops me and gets very close to my face "whats wrong, you cant stand some back talk now?" I can hear the attitude. "Dont you have a date to go on soon with her twink of a "boyfriend"." I remind her knowing she forgot. "Oh shit i forgot!" Obviously "its in 20 minutes then he'll be here to get me, i have to get ready now!" She lets go of my chair and i turn around and finish whats left of what i needed to finish.

After 20 minutes enid rushes out of the bathroom and opens the door, Its Ajax. Enid says goodbye to me then leaves. Its weird not hearing her talk about how Xavier and Bianca broke up for the 5th time this week, or her music blasting Arctic Monkeys. Or even seeing her on her bed loudly laughing at her phone. It feels empty and lonely in here. I call for thing to get my sheet music and bring my cello outside. I just keep playing until enid is back but i didn't hear her walk in. "How the hell did you get that oversized guitar out the window?" I hear her and stop playing. She notices thing on the sheet "what is that thing" thing flips enid off for not asking properly and i tell her he's my family's unsolved mystery. Enid apologizes to him and he forgives her.

I had apologized to thing for not asking a little nicer. Anyway, after talking to Wednesday on the balcony for a while, i go inside and throw myself on my bed whilst i text Yoko about the date.

The text conversation:

🧛: sooo how did the date goo
       Tell me all about it

🐺: it wasnt that good tbh like he took me to forest which was nice, but had bought flowers i was allergic too and didnt talk the whole time, no music, food, or even a "i love you!"

🧛: oh wow that is definitely something
       What if he was shyyy, its yalls second datee. Give him that

🐺: second date after being together for a year! Ive honestly lost feelings for him a little, recently...




🐺: im sorry 😔
       Read 10:32
      Wednesday is calling for me nowww i have to go byeee

🧛: byee
       Read 12:22 am
I put my phone down after Wednesday had called  for me. "Whats up wens?" She looks at me confused for a second then proceeds to say "you were gone a while, have you eaten?" I then look at her confused at the change of attitude "uh i have not." I say cause look at her being so caring for me now🥰 "you didnt eat on your date?" She says sternly looking a little frustrated "no, we just sat, quietly and watched the stars and moon" "she just looks at me and then leaves" shes so odd sometimes but superr hot, WHATT?

After what enid told me, i left without speaking to go get her favourite food. I went to the shops and when i start to walk back with her food i can only think about how Ajax could take a bubbly, talkative, and beautiful person like her to the forest, to watch stars, quietly, with no food? She needs to realise how bad he is. I walk back in and give her the food, she smiles at me and thanks me. Her smile is so cute, what the hell?

No one:
Enid sits on her bed eating as she watches Wednesday practice her cello. Enid catches herself staring at her lips before Wednesday does and fixes herself. Enid finishes eating and throw her trash away, still watching Wednesday practice she slowly falls asleep. Wednesday looks up and sees Enid asleep and lies her down. Wednesday put her cello up and lays down to sleep as well.

3:56 am
10:26 am
I see that Enid hasn't woken yet and it's Saturday so i won't. I write a not and place it on her bedside table next to her phone so she will see it that i am leaving to go publish my novel. 30 minutes after, i get a text wishing me Good luck. After two hours pass i walk in and she is awake on her phone, with her headphones in listening to im guessing music. She doesn't notice i walk in until she does "hey wens!! Did your novel get accepted?" She sounds excited for me? I answer yes saying they liked it. She smiled big and gave me a hug congratulating me. I didn't try to pull away, the hug felt warm and comforting. She noticed.

"Wednesday you let me hug you!! Oh my gosh this day is amazing!!" I smile deeply. Pulled back yet still holding onto her arms close to her shoulders excitedly shaking her, but not violently. She doesn't seem to mind? A-MAZING!! NOTHING CAN RUIN THIS DAY!! I let go and her eyes look softened as if she was tired "are you okay? Are you tired? Was i too rough im sorry if i was i was just excited for you, ill ask next time!" I blurt out all at once worried that i had done something. She looks at me differently and reassures me i did nothing wrong and that she wasn't tired. Some time passes by and i get a text from Ajax asking me on a date. I left him on read, then ten minutes a knock was heard coming from the door and Wednesday opened it before i could and it was Ajax?

I push through Wednesday the freak and go to enid "you didn't answer my text? What the fuck!!"
I yell but then Wednesday pulls me and shoves me out the room. The attitude that midget has, i push back in and she punches me in the nose. I look at her holding my nose and leave to go fix my nose.

What just happened. "Wednesday what the hell was that!" I just stare are her blankly then walk into the washroom to wash my hands off. Enid looks worried, then her phone buzzes. Its Ajax. "He looked like he was going to hurt you." I say defending myself she looks like shes trying to be mad at me but goes on her phone to text him back.

I try to be mad at her but if she didn't do anything he would've. My phone buzzed a fee seconds ago from Ajax i pick it up and text him back.

🐍: your weird, freak of a roomate broke my nose!
Read 11:23 am
I can't help but laugh at how angry he is but i text back:

"Im breaking up with you-" i explain why and he goes to text me but i block him.  I look up at wednesday in the washroom still washing her bleeding knuckles and start laughing again at the situation. She looks at me then i quickly stop to try and look serious but i can't so i break character and burst out laughing. She looks at me and slightly smiles. SHE HAS DIMPLES OMDS THEY ARE SO PRETTY ON HER SHE HAS GOT ME IN A CHOKE HOLD AHSHDHHSS "WENS YOU SMILED! AND YOU HAVE DIMPLES THEY LOOK SO PRETTY" i run up to her and grab her face gently to look more into her dimples and she just stares at my eyes. Shes so Beautiful.. HUH?

She makes me smile for once and runs up to me and grabs my face looking at my dimples, i stare into her beautiful, ocean, eyes. They fit her personality so well.. i cant be thinking like that. Its wrong.

Endd of chapter one i hope yall like it
1435 words my thumbs hurt😔
Ill take some suggestions depending what they are Amberfreemanswifee

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