| ✪ Chapter. 1 ✪ |

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!! TRIGGER WARNING A LITTLE !! (I'm sorry if anything I write triggers you)

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!! TRIGGER WARNING A LITTLE !! (I'm sorry if anything I write triggers you)

₊˚✧ [Name]'s POV ✧˚₊‧

I wake up, staring up at the off-white colored ceiling, my back killing me from sleeping on the floor. I sit up and stretch a bit, my back cramping up a bit. "Ow! .. shit..", I get up slowly before stretching again, then I get out of the room I slept in. As I walk down the hall I see empty, flattened boxes in a pile in the living room but there are still some boxes filled with stuff I didn't get to. I look at the couch and see Ronald getting up, yawning as he stretches. He looks around and seems to get annoyed with the amount of boxes left. "[Name]! [NAME]!", he calls for me, not noticing that I was already by him. I roll my eyes and just pretend to walk in, "Yes Ron?", "Why the fuck are there still boxes in here?? Did you even get the bedroom done? The bathroom? Did you do fucking anything or were you lazy like always?", he asks aggressively, I try not to let it get to me.

"I had to sleep Ron, I worked on it until 3 am.", he just rolls his eyes at my response. "Wheres my clothes? I need to find a job.", he says, I just grab a box of his clothes since we have no dresser yet and give it to him. He sighs and grumbles before grabbing it harshly from my grasp and pushing past me to stomp into the bathroom to change. I sigh softly as I hear the bathroom door slam quietly. I then go back into the bedroom to change into some presentable clothes. I put on a cute red dress that I like but Ronald doesn't, he says it's "too red."?? What does that even mean??

I get dolled up a bit with some makeup, not too much, last time I put too much Ron got mad. I sigh at the memory and continue to get ready, putting my hair up into a neat bun. I look at myself in the mirror and smile at the sight, 'Well don't I look nice..', I think to myself. I hear a knock on the door and expect Ron to get it but after a few seconds, someone knocks on the door again. I quickly go over to the door and open it to a woman with blonde hair and freckles adorning her cheeks. The blonde woman is holding some tupperware filled with something. "Hi, neighbor! I'm Mia Stone, I live in the first room on this floor with my fiancé!! I'm so glad we have new people!!", she introduces herself, smiling big at me so I smile back, "I'm [Name], [Name] Wilsons, it's so nice to meet you! My husband, Ronald, is just getting ready right now!", I say.

"That's alright, just wanted to introduce myself and give you two these!", she then hands me the container and tells me to open it. I giggle at her and open the cover of the container to reveal.. COOKIES!!! Cookies galore, chocolate chip, red velvet, M&M, dark chocolate, white chocolate, oatmeal raisin, everything that you could think of. I gasp quietly, "Oh Mia.. Thank you so much!", I say, absolutely already loving one of my new neighbors. "Of course, I got a little carried away so I just made everything! I hope you or your husband aren't allergic to anything!", "Oh no! We're both okay! Gosh, you're so nice. I can't believe you made all of this.. You have to teach me!"

She blushes at me and smiles wider, "Of course I can! Let's say I teach you on Saturday?", I nod at her suggestion, "Sure! First room right?", she nods at me and I hug her, thanking her again for the cookies before she walks back to her room. I close the door once she walks away and look back down at the cookies. My mouth watering at all the cookies to choose from, 'White chocolate or peanut butter first..??', I ask myself but before I can make a decision, Ronald takes the whole container and places it on the kitchen counter before pushing me out of the way of the door. I lose my balance and land on the floor, hurting my arms in the process. "Move out of the fucking way next time! God, you're so fucking dumb.."

I just look up at Ronald as he opens the door and walks out. I sigh and get up slowly, "Ow..", I examine my arms before going over to where he put the container, closing it back up. 'I'm not in the mood for any cookies right now..', I say to myself. I sigh to myself and look around the bare kitchen which then reminds me that I need to buy some groceries. I get some nice shoes on, grab my purse and request paper, filling it out quickly before going to get some food. I go out of my apartment, running into some other neighbors, Alf and Rafttellyn Cappuccin, on the way down. We introduce ourselves and talk for a few minutes before they walked up to their room and I walked down to the lobby.

I get down and see the milkman talking to the doorman, though they don't look the same as last night. 'I guess they have different doormen for shifts..', I think to myself. The milkman then turns and sees me, he smiles alittle at me, a small, friendly smile so of course I smile back at him before walking over. "Good morning Mr. Mosses!", "Good morning [Name]. Yknow you can just call me Francis if you'd like, Mr. Mosses makes me feel old.."

Oh. "Oh, Sorry! I didn't mean to offend you at all!", I quickly apologize, he just chuckles quietly at me. "It's alright, just remember, you can call me just Francis.", he says, Francis then tips his hat at me before walking away. I smile at him more, watching him walk out before walking over to the doorman. I introduce myself to the doorman and I give my ID so then they know it's me. They let me go out and I do, I look up at the crystal blue sky and I take a deep breath of the fresh air. 'It's gonna be a good day.. No matter what happens..'

⋆。☾ A/N - wellll you've met Mia, Alf and his wife and I hope yall like this- sorry for ending it so crappy, it's 12 in the morning when I'm finishing this and I got school in the morning so goodnight yall<3 ☽。⋆

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⋆。☾ A/N - wellll you've met Mia, Alf and his wife and I hope yall like this- sorry for ending it so crappy, it's 12 in the morning when I'm finishing this and I got school in the morning so goodnight yall<3 ☽。⋆

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