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CHAPTER SEVENirl, social media, messages

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irl, social media, messages


VIOLET sighed happily as she smiled at all of the people surrounding her. because she has the best friends in the whole world, they threw a little album release party for her.

her album played quietly on the tv behind them as they all sat and talked. this was probably the happiest she's been in awhile.

she had her worries about releasing the album. like what if people didn't like it? what if it completely flopped?

normally, she didn't really care about those things. when she makes and releases music it's for her. how she feels is what's most important to her. but she put so much work into this, it'd be a little upsetting if no one liked it as much as she did.

but that didn't seem to be the case. within a little over 30 minutes, it had over a million streams. she cried for at least 15 minutes because she was just so happy.

even though she was extremely happy and proud of herself, she couldn't help but wonder what chris thinks.

did he hate it? was he pissed at her for making the songs? did he even listen to it at all? she wouldn't lie when she said she was a little worried.

"okay, i hate to do this..but can we address the elephant in the room?" gracie spoke, looking around at everyone who was sat on the couch.

"girl what elephant? you sound like a mom." tate laughed, eating the cake they had gotten for violet. iris laughed with her and agreed.

"yeah what elephant, g?" violet laughed, furrowing her eyebrows. she sat up, knocking gracie was about to go on some type of rant.

"what the fuck are we gonna do about this brynn bitch?" gracie said, making everyone's eyes widen.

"what do you mean, what are we gonna do about her?" violet gave her a confused look as tate rolled her eyes with a smile.

"i mean, you're trying to get your man back and she's in the way! we need to get this bitch gone." gracie aggressively spoke, making everyone laugh.

"bitch, we're not doing anything about her." violet shook her head. "what do you think this is?"

"for real, what're you gonna do anyway?" iris agreed.

"gracie's plotting, y'all. let her work." tate joked.

"i'm being serious! i don't like her. the way she's posting on instagram and then acting all fake in vee's comments..like no." gracie made a disgusted face.

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