°10, canceled.

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CHAPTER TENirl, social media

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irl, social media


VIOLET smiled excitedly as she situated herself on the couch. she's been waiting for this ever since tana dm'd her. she's been watching the canceled podcast since the first episode came out and she practically grew up with tana.

"so.." tana voiced eagerly, "we are here with the violet fucking perez. and i'm literally shitting my pants." she finished making violet laugh.

"stop, i'm so excited to be here you don't even understand." violet beamed, adjusting her mic to her level.

"this is your first podcast ever right?" brooke asked, looking toward violet.

"first podcast ever." she confirmed.

"holy shit," tana breathed, "you're never gonna wanna do another one after this." she said with a laugh.

"no for real, she's gonna leave and be like 'the fuck was that?'" brooke agreed, making a weird face.

"i've been watching since the first episode and im so ready." violet laughed, feeling automatically comfortable with the two of them.

"that's insane, dude." tana shook her head in disbelief. "the first episode? and you still agreed to come on?" she widened her eyes.

"fuck yeah, you guys are my all time favorites." violet smiled widely.

"let's talk about your album! you just won a shit ton of awards which—congrats, that's absolutely insane." tana brought up, brooke also congratulating violet.

"thank you so much!" violet looked between the two, then waited for tana to continue.

"how was the whole writing process for that? was it difficult or long? because that album was absolutely incredible." tana continued.

"thank you! the writing process was definitely chaotic. i was in the biggest slump for what seemed like months, and i literally couldn't write a single sentence." violet started to explain. "but a couple instagram posts later and i had an album written." she shrugged with a small smirk.

"that's a boss ass bitch move right there." tana clapped her hands. "she's like, scrolling through her feed and is like fuck no—let me go write an album real quick."

"i would love to be able to do that." broke added on. "see one post i don't like and pull a multi-award winning album out of my ass. that's talent." she complimented.

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