The f goat

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When I woke up I left the tent and saw how Alan was lying on the floor, with his hand covering his face to have his eyes was my perfect opportunity. I slowly approached him.
—Are you trying to scare me?
Shit, how did he noticed! But his eyes were covered, i was hardly making any noise. Anyway, I was annoyed because I wanted to give him a jump scare
—no way...pfff...why wou you say that! Hahhhah....Good moooorning, sleepyhead!
—good morning Sophie, you've been slow to wake up, I've been awake for two hours since the lights were turned on
Today I wanted it to be a good day, so I'm going to try not to mind what Alan says. "They have turned on the lights" it seems unbelievable that he continues with the nonsense. I took a deep breath and smiled.
— yeaaahhhhh........sometimes you have to ignore that it's already day and sleep a little more
And I smiled at him with a big fake smile, I turned around and went to the forest to look for as many fruits as I could, I was very hungry....
—Are you going to look for food? I'll go with you
I didn't say anything and let Alan follow me, apart from the fact that he ruined my day because I couldn't give him a scare, also, I had just gotten up, and until I ate something I wasn't person. We walked together through the forest looking at which trees had fruit.
—Do you know that the sun rises around 7:30 in the morning, and here, I think they turn on the lights at 11:30 in the morning, now it will be more or less the-
I cut off the conversation because I couldn't stand him anymore, I didn't understand anything he said, the sun is what is illuminating us right now, the lights are the machines, not nature, this is the real thing, the nature thing
I didn't answer him. And he remained silent for a few seconds.
— you're not going to shut me up Sophie, you have to understand that-
—Hey! You have to understand that you don't-
—look! An apple tree
I pointed to the apple tree in front of us, thank goodness we have found food.
—that's not even an apple tree, it's a normal tree with cages hanging full of fruits for us to grab
—Alan, but do you listen to yourself? I don't know if you knew, but an apple tree is a tree that has apples, and this is a tree with apples, that is, an apple tree
—Well, you'll understand when I get you out of here, as soon as my leg heals, we'll leave and you'll start living in freedom
He was telling me while I was putting away all the apples that could fit in his pants pockets, and in his hands there were 4 apples, I could put two apples in my pockets and in my hands I could carry two in each hand, in total we had 24 apples.

On the way back we ate a couple of apples. When I arrived I went for the goat to give her an apple, and I tried to milk the goat, to see if I could now, more or less it weighed 7 kilos or more, so it must already be able to give milk.

[Alan's point of view.]
I ate two of the apples we took, they were disgusting, apart from the fact that I didn't like the fruit, I think it's the worst thing I've ever eaten, I almost prefer yesterday's orange although it tasted like grass , it didn't even smell like orange. Sophie went into the tent with that stupid goat....all the things I would give to eat that goat... the bad thing is that Sophie is very attentive to the goat and doesn't let me get close, besides I don't want to take it out of her little human hands either, it would make me feel bad, although I find it funny how she tries to protect the goat from me even though I'm two times es bigger than her.

—Alan, look, come!
Sophie told me surprised, she was in her tent, I sat down so that I didn't rest my weight on my bandaged leg, and I opened the door of the tent, I saw how Sophie was crouching near the goat.
—what's going on? Can I eat the goat?!
—no! The goat gives milk!
She began to untie the goat from the central stick of the tent and came out with her in her arms, the goat when she saw me wanted to leave.
—give her a piece of apple, here
She gave me a small piece of apple and I gave it to the goat, the stupid goat stopped shaking to escape and stood still eating the piece of apple that I gave her. Sophie left her on the floor and she stood on her knee caressing the goat, Sophie took my thumb with her little hand and brought my hand to the goat and made me pet the goat, after a few seconds, the goat stopped being afraid of me and Sophie was able to let her go by giving it another small piece of apple.
—Come on! Let's go get bowls
Sophie told me, and she took the goat in her arms and went to the water tank where there were 4 wooden bowls. She took one of the bowls and started milking the goat. It was noticeable that she knew how to do it perfectly.

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