It's only getting worse

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[Sophie's point of view]
I ran to the forest to find the goat, I was whistling for the goat to listen to me, shit, it was so cute..., it liked to sleep next to me...
Alan's stupid bird-man keeps talking nonsense instead of thinking about what really matters, like the goat. We have to find it.
After walking for a while, I was approaching the lake, that is, where that hipporhinoceros was, I didn't want to meet the hipporhinoceros again, but maybe the goat was in the lake drinking water or something...

I heard a noise behind me, I turned around quickly and my heart stopped with fright, it was a small hipporhinoceros, well it wasn't small, but it was smaller than the normal hipporhinoceros. It's probably the baby of the big one...The "little" hipporhinoceros rushed towards me running, I didn't have time to go up anywhere and began to push into The Wall, it hurt me and I couldn't escape

When I screamed the hipporhinoceros, made me climbed up on its back with the help of its head and began to approach the trees and crash into my body to hurt me. The hipporhinoceros baby took me to its mother but I was on the baby's back and the mother didn't saw me yet, the bad thing is that I heard the goat bleat while the hipporhinoceros mother began to run towards the bleating of the goat, MY goat, the poor little goat ran out and I could finally see the goat running in front of me, but the hipporhinoceros mother was going after it. I started getting off the baby hipporhinoceros to ran towards the goat to save it, and just then Alan came flying very fast and caught my leg with his big raptor's feet and I could not see what happened with the goat.

He kept flying and I couldn't see anything anymore, but I heard a bum. I stared crying for the goat.
I was very uncomfortable hanging by Alan's feet, but I understood that Alan had to grab me that way because it was how fast he could grab me at that moment, since I was getting off the hipporhinoceros.
—Alan! Left me here and help the goat!
Alan began to grab my leg harder with out listening to me, I was up side down hanging while he flew.
—ALAN, you're hurting me!
Alan didn't listen to me and kept squeezing my leg, the blood that he was making me when he stuck his nails in my leg was going down my body and reaching my face.
I began to cry about the wounds he was doing to me, I was starting to get dizzy, I had a feeling that my leg was crushed by his nails and I felt like it was also burning. Luckily we got to the sea and Alan left me in the sand. I looked at my leg, and I was bleeding, I had it torn by Alan's large and sharp claws, I was leaving all the sand stained with my blood, I dragged as much as I could through the sand to get into the sea.
—why did you do it... I trusted you.. you didn't listen to me
I didn't stop crying because of the pain, when I got into the sea my leg hurted a lot, so much that my body made me lie down. Surely I was going to bleed to death, I was losing a lot of blood and surely my leg has broken bones. I couldn't stop thinking about the goat that that stupid hipporhinoceros had surely killed it. I stayed between the sea water and the sand lying down crying with my eyes closed.

Alan said. I was crying in pain because of him and now he cares!. I begin to notice how Alan got into the sea and began to hug my body.
—Ask for help, PLEASE! SOMEONE come and HELP US, please!
Alan was shouting to nobody. He was annoying me, even at this point he was still believing in his nonsense about the giants behind The Wall, when I have already explained to him that there is nothing behind the wall.
—ALAN! Stop now! can't you understand that NO ONE is going to come! It's just the two of us! No one else! NOBODY IS WATCHING US!
—Sophie, calm down, a giant kid has gone to ask for help
Alan said smiling

[Alan's point of view]
Sophie started punching me even though all the effort she was making was in vane because the poor thing didn't have any strength left.
—Can you please STOP saying that bullshit!? GIANTS DONT EXIST! Go help the goat who was in trouble! I stay here in the sea, since it doesn't matter now, I don't feel my leg anymore.
I'm not going to get away from you Sophie, they're going to come to help you
— uuughhh!!! Fuck you, why are you so damn sure about the giants?! Go get the poor little goat! I need that goat, ok I admit it Alan, you win, I loved that goat, it was a very good goat, it went to sleep next to me and with just giving to it food it listened to you, and now a huge hipporhinoceros is chasing it which for sure... has already killed the goat... and you are here... saying that... someone, no not someone, A GIANT is going to come to help me.......... well... help... the goat...
Sophie said, even though she had a broken leg, she didn't stop moving, she was having a nervous breakdown thinking that her goat is dead. I don't understand why I didn't stop hurting her when I could, I didn't want to listen to her, that fucking goat..., I don't want to help that goat, Sophie is more important, I wasn't thinking about the difference in strength between me and Sophie...
Sophie stopped moving because of the tiredness of making to much effort to escape from my arms until she was completely K.O.
I was very scared, between the blood she had lost and all the effort she was making to hit me she could be dead... I approached to her face to see if she was breathing since her mouth was open....luckily she was breathing, she must be unconscious, this thought left me relieved. A few seconds later the roof of the cage opened, that meant that they were going to help Sophie, that is, to take her out of here. I grabbed her tightly so that they could also take me with her and be able to escape together... that was my first thought.
—Alan, let Sophie go so we can heal it
a male voice told me. I set out my mind to on going out with her and without responding I grabbed Sophie tighter
—if you don't let it go, we'll leave it here with you
The male voice again, he made me doubt, Sophie is going to die if I don't let her go. I was almost about to let Sophie go and let them take her away.
— Greg are you stupid? How are we going to let Sophie die?
said a female voice that I had never heard towards to the male voice. I closed my eyes with fear as I hugged Sophie. Suddenly, a huge hand grabbed me, crushing my wings but without hurting me, the bad thing is that I could no longer move them. When they caught me, they also caught Sophie since I had her in my arms.
—don't move now Alan, or you'll hurt Sophie
The female voice told me. And I noticed an injection in my left wing. That needle was an anesthesia causing my wings to be immobilized. The two giants that were with us began to walk, the giant woman was taking us both with her two hands. I was a little bigger than her hand, that's why she used both, Sophie was like her pointer finger and for me Sophie reached me by the hip, she was as tall like my 4-year-old little brother.
—Is Sophie going to be okay?
I asked
—it's strange that you worry when you're the one who've hurt it
The giant man told me angry.
—don't answer to it like that Greg, I hope we can make Sophie recover as soon as possible, but it will be fine
The giant woman told me. We entered a nursing room and they put me on a table with a bed the size of a human next to me.
—Alan, we're going to cure Sophie, you mind leaving it on the bed.
The woman told me. It was impossible to escape in these conditions, I couldn't fly and Sophie's leg has to be blindfolded before it's too late. I got up with Sophie in my arms and left her on the bed, obviously although the bed seemed small to me, for Sophie  it was perfect. I put her laying on the bed and I looked at how calm she seemed when she surely fainted from the pain she was suffering because of me. Quickly the man's hands grabbed me and left me immobilized, I still tried to escape instinctively but I couldn't do anything. The giant woman began to approach a syringe as big as Sophie.
—what are you doing!? LET ME GO, GIANT! Don't hurt her!
I said scared. I couldn't move and the giant that had me trapped was pushing me away from Sophie.
—Don't worry Alan, we're going to cure Sophie, I've already told you.
The woman told me. The man who had me trapped in his huge hands and forcibly put me in a cage with bars and closed it with a padlock, leaving me locked between bars.
—we put you here so you don't think of any other stupidity
The man told me. He was pissing me off
—Don't worry, that way you can see that we don't hurt Sophie, I've only injected it with anesthesia so that it doesn't hurt when we're healing it's leg.
As much as the man drove me out of my mind every time he went to me with his words, the woman managed to reassure me and make me feel like it was ok.
After a while that they were doing things about doctors that I didn't understand, the man approached me.
—you've broken its tibia and fibula, are you happy now?
He told me to make me feel bad, and he made it, I was feeling terrible for Sophie. I didn't know what bones those were, since I don't have the same bones as a human. But a day ago I was with a blindfold because my leg had broken and now I could empathize with Sophie.
I started thinking that after a week she got recovered we could try escaping
A few hours after they continued doing doctors' things, the man took Sophie and approached me, showing me poor Sophie in his hands that they were in the shape of a bowl to hold Sophie.
—look at it, you have to be careful with it, it is not a hybrid, it doesn't have your strength, it is a human. Its leg will take about 6 months to recover, so you better take care of Sophie, beast, you have behaved like a beast.
I show my middle finger to him, but he was right, I shouldn't have hurt Sophie, then the man left the room with Sophie, the girl opened the door of the cage I was in. My wings could already move, but I didn't want to escape without Sophie, and Sophie is in the center of the man's two hands leaving the room. The woman caught me with her hands as she did before. And even though I wasn't trying to escape, she inject to my arm anesthesia. We left the room and took me directly to the usual cage. In which Sophie was with a hospital bed in the land of the cage, in front of the glass. The giant girl left me, and although the anesthesia was starting to work for me I stayed on my knees next to Sophie, I watched the blindfold that had been put on her knee to her foot because of the bone breaks that I have caused her, I noticed that she had made her braids and although I had already noticed before I did not say anything, but she was beautiful with them. I lay down next to her, but I was on the floor, I raised my hand until I reached Sophie's bed and grabbed her hand, I closed my eyes and waited until I fell asleep because of the anesthesia.
Helloooo, thank you very much for reading the story. You make my day. 🫶🏻🫶🏻

This chapter is shorter, since you have to make a minute of silence for the goat, may it rest in peace in case it is true that it has died. As a sign of love, vote the story with a star ⭐️ for the goat. Let's hope the goat is well, and if it's not, let it rest in heaven or wherever it has gone to. It was a good goat. 🐐❤️

I love you very much, have a nice day 🥰🥰

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