chapter fifty

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damn, we're already on chapter 50?


Chapter 50

Days passed faster than anyone in the Mikaelson-Bennett household could ever imagine. Between Bonnie devoting her time both to her daughter and studying more about the regents of New Orleans, the Bennett witch didn't know how many more hours she could take without sleeping.

Shaking off the feeling though, she chugged her third mug of coffee for the day before looking around the table. While it was missing three important people, she had gotten word from Mina that Elyza and Kol had made it to Bali and Rebekah had finished moving into her apartment in California.

Mina continued to chisel her knife down the waffles, cutting them up into smaller squares for Theodore to eat. Beside her, instead of Elyza, was the Mikaelson who had only returned yesterday.

"Finn," Bonnie smiled. "How was Europe?"

The original gave her a small smile as he placed his cup of water back on the table. "It was beautiful," He admitted. "Given the time I've spent in this world, seeing it has been nothing short of exceptional."

Mina glanced up at Klaus after Finn's subtle reminder of his time spent in a coffin. Speaking that Alixandra had just fallen asleep after crying what seemed like all night, she hoped no one would end up bickering. Seeing an eyebrow raise on Klaus's behalf prompted Mina to do something. Or say something for that matter.

"Davina?" Mina called out. Both she and Marcel looked up at the older Bennett witch, wondering what she could want while Davina was trying to eat as many bites of her omelet as possible. "How close are you to being done with drawing that witch."

"Almost," Davina assured. "I should finish it after school and then we can kill her for scaring us like that."

"No rush," Mina replied with a nod. "With the boundary spell the coven and I put up, there's nothing that can possibly get through here... not alive that is."

"Is there a threat I haven't been informed about?" Finn questioned, looking back and forth across the table. When he realized that no one besides him looked shocked, he wanted to groan. What could possibly be happening now?

The Mikaelsons all looked at each other, none of them deciding who would fill in the eldest original with the events of the past few days.

"Nothing of importance, brother," Klaus said simply. "Nothing but a psychotic witch who obviously needs to be reminded of her mortality."

"Niklaus," Elijah groaned. "I am glad to inform you that your eyes are not mistaken. There are not three but four children sitting in our presence. It would do well for you to remember that."

Seeing the disbelief on many of his family member's faces, Klaus chuckled under his breath. "I didn't detail how I would–"


Instantly, the hybrid was silenced.

"Thank you," Bonnie bit. "Matter of fact, go check on Alixandra."

"Bonnie–" When her eyes only darkened, he, once again, refused to say anything else. The hybrid original stared into the eyes of the mother of his child for no more than a few seconds before he scoffed. Setting down his glass of chilled orange juice, he sped up the stairs.

"You three should go to school," Bonnie yawned, her voice losing the edge it had when talking to Klaus.

"Speaking of," Elijah stood, using his hands to guide his chair back. Walking into the kitchen and back, he had three different things in his head. "Henrik," He started before passing the boy a lunchbox. "Davina," He continued, handing Davina the purple lunchbox she picked out. And holding up a brown bag, he nodded towards Isabel to stand. "Unfortuetly, my brother's return prevented me from reminding the servants to go get you a container for your lunch. However, I will see to it myself that you have one before your return from school."

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