Chapter 11

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As the recruits settled aboard the carrier, Ellie knew she needed to find her dad. She wanted to talk to him, thank him. 

She found his room and knocked on the door. Maverick opened the door and immediately pulled her into a hug.

"Dad," Ellie started. She was trying so hard to hold back her tears. "Thank you for talking to Bradley."

"Oh sweetheart, of course." he released their hug but continued, "I'm so sorry I stood in between you two. I am so sorry I didn't talk to him sooner."

"I love you dad," Ellie said. 

She wasn't holding back her tears anymore. She knew the risks of this mission, and it scared her.

Maverick kissed her forehead "I love you too Ellie."

Ellie began to walk away, ready to join the other recruits at the decision meeting. But her dad's words stopped her. 

"Ellie." she turned back around to face him, "You're where you belong. You're both where you belong."

Ellie smiled. She knew this. And although she was nervous for what lay ahead, she had faith in herself, in Bradley, and in her father.

"I know daddy," She said with a smile, as she walked down the hallway to enter the meeting room.


*The recruits gathered in the meeting room*

"Each one of you represents the best of the best. This is a very specific mission. My choice is a reflection of that and nothing more." Maverick stated as he began his decision speech.

Maverick knows the risks of this mission and he is so nervous about losing two people he loves. But he knows he needs to take the best, and he can't keep holding them back, he can't keep standing in the way.

"Choose your two foxtrot teams" Cyclone states as he stands next to Maverick.

A long pause.

"Payback and Fanboy. Phoenix and Ellie."

Well shit. Ellie thought as she and Phoenix exchanged a glance.

"And your wingman?" Cyclone asked.

Another long pause, but Ellie knew what name would come out of her father's mouth.

"Rooster," Maverick answered.

Hangman was definitely disappointed. Ellie could tell because he made no sly remark like he usually did.

"The rest of you will stand by on the carrier for any reserve role that is required. Dismissed."

The non-picked recruits offered handshakes, wishes of luck, and congratulations to Phoenix, Ellie, Payback, Fanboy, and Rooster. 

Ellie caught Bradley's eye. They both knew there was a good chance someone wasn't coming home.

Bradley knew at that moment, as he looked into her deep blue ocean colored eyes that he loved her. He had since the moment he met her and there wasn't a day that went by where he didn't think about her. 

He made a promise to himself in that moment that if he came out alive, he wouldn't hold back any longer, he would tell her. Everything.

Bradley didn't say a word but he gave Ellie a smile, which she returned. And Ellie felt in her soul, that everything was about to change.


The mission is debriefed once again while the aircrafts are prepared for the mission.

Cyclone finishes the debriefing and ends with some final words, "This is what you've all been training for. Come home safe."

Ellie and Phoenix exit the meeting room and head to the deck to finish their final checks on their aircraft. 

Out of the corner of her eye, Ellie noticed Bradly appear on the deck. She watches as Hangman approaches him. The two eye each other down for a minute, not saying anything, until Hangman finally shouted "You give them hell out there!"

Even Hangman knew the stakes of this mission. He knew it wasn't time for snarky remarks.

Bradley gave Hangman a nod and continued to his aircraft. He stopped again when he saw Maverick. Ellie continued to keep a close watch on their interaction.

"Sir....Sir" Bradley yelled out to Maverick. "I just wanted to say...."

Maverick turned to face him but cut him off before he could finish his sentence, "We'll talk......when we get back."

Ellie smiled to herself. She was glad to see both of them were making an effort. She really hoped they'd get that chance to talk.

Bradley nodded and started to walk away, heading to his aircraft. Then he locked eyes with Ellie.

"Ellie..." he started to yell to her.

But Ellie cut him off, "We'll talk when we get back too!" She said with a smile.

A smile formed on Bradley's face. He loved that girl.

He looked over at Phoenix.

"Bring her home to me, Phoenix!"

Phoenix laughed "Damn Rooster! No pressure!"

Bradley smiled as he started to walk away, "Hey Rooster" Ellie yelled out, stopping him in his tracks. "You got this."

Bradley nodded, "You too." And he made his way over to his aircraft to prepare for take off.

Ellie and Phoenix took their places and climbed in their aircraft. "You so love that boy," Phoenix said to Ellie as she took her seat.

Ellie just shook her head and smiled. She really did.


Thank you to everyone reading!! I hope you're enjoying so far :) So sorry it took me so long to update!

Hate to Love You - Bradley (Rooster) BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now