Chapter 6

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As Regina stood in the dressing room with her mother, she felt a mixture of nerves and sadness swirling within her. Her mother's words of encouragement were like a lifeline, but they couldn't dispel the ache in her heart for her father, who should have been there with her on this day.

"Mom, I... I need a moment alone," Regina said, her voice wavering with emotion.

Her mother nodded understandingly, her eyes filled with sympathy. "Of course, sweetheart. Take all the time you need."

Alone at last, Regina allowed herself to release the flood of emotions she had been holding back. Tears stung her eyes as she mourned the absence of her father, wishing he could be there to walk her down the aisle and share in this special moment.

But she knew she couldn't dwell on her grief forever. Wiping away her tears, Regina squared her shoulders and took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead.

When her mother returned to announce that it was time, Regina put on a brave face and followed her down the aisle. As Mr. Grant walked her down the aisle, Regina felt a sense of resignation settle over her. This was her reality now, whether she liked it or not.

The ceremony passed by in a blur, and before she knew it, it was time for the kiss. But as Daniel leaned in, Regina felt a pang of disappointment as he tilted her head to the side, their lips barely touching. The cheers and applause that followed only served to mask the emptiness she felt inside.

The reception was a grand affair, but Regina couldn't shake the fatigue that weighed heavily on her shoulders. She greeted each guest with a forced smile, her mind already drifting towards the end of the night.

As the reception came to a close at 8pm, Regina felt a sense of relief wash over her. She hugged her mother tightly, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"I'll miss you, Mom," Regina whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Her mother hugged her back just as tightly, her own eyes glistening with tears. "I'll miss you too, sweetheart. But you'll be okay. I know you will."

With a final wave goodbye, Regina climbed into the black SUV beside Daniel, her heart heavy with the weight of the unknown.

The journey to their new home was a silent one, the tension between them palpable in the air. When they arrived, Daniel led her to the guest room, his demeanor distant and detached.

Regina couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as she realized they wouldn't be sharing a bed. When she asked why, Daniel's response was like a punch to the gut.

"We're not together, Regina," he said bluntly, pushing a key into her hand. "Your things will be transferred from your apartment tomorrow."

Regina sighed, feeling a sense of resignation wash over her. She opened the door to the guest room, her mind filled with thoughts of what could have been.

As she settled into bed alone, Regina couldn't help but wonder where it had all gone wrong between her and Daniel. But try as she might, she couldn't find the answers she sought, leaving her alone with her thoughts and regrets.
Regina's first day in Daniel's house started like any other, with the sun streaming through the windows and the promise of a new beginning. She settled into the makeshift home office, too tired to venture into the office, and began to tackle her workload. Of course Daniel will have multiple makeshift offices in his home. He lives and breathes work

Sipping her coffee, Regina scrolled through her emails, her mind already buzzing with the tasks that lay ahead. But as she clicked on one particular message, her heart skipped a beat and her coffee nearly went down the wrong way.

The message, the same ominous warning she had received before, stared back at her from the screen. Panic gripped her as she frantically tried to trace the sender's email address, but it was coded, leaving her with more questions than answers.

With trembling hands, Regina reached for her phone and dialed her mother's number. As her mother's voice filled her ear, Regina's fear spilled out in a rush of words, her breath coming in short gasps.

"Mom, it's me. I... I got the message again. I don't know what to do," Regina whispered, her voice shaking with fear.

Her mother's response was swift and urgent, her own fear evident in every word she spoke. "Regina, darling, you need to be very, very careful. Do you understand? This is serious."

As Regina finished her call with her mother, a sudden presence behind her made her jump. She turned to see Daniel standing there, his expression a mixture of concern and frustration.

"Regina, what's going on? Do you know who sent that message?" Daniel demanded, his voice tinged with urgency.

Regina shook her head, a hint of sarcasm creeping into her tone. "No, Daniel, I don't. But if you're so concerned, maybe you should figure it out yourself."

An unreadable expression flickered across Daniel's face, and Regina's thoughts wandered to how handsome he looked in that moment. But before she could dwell on it further, he scoffed and stormed out of the room, leaving Regina alone with her thoughts and her fears.
Daniel's POV

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room as I made my way downstairs. The familiar scent of coffee greeted me as I entered the kitchen, where Regina sat at the table, her attention fixed on her laptop screen.

My heart skipped a beat as I caught sight of the message displayed on her screen. I knew exactly who had sent it, but revealing that now would only complicate things further.

"Regina, what's going on?" I asked, trying to keep the urgency out of my voice.

She looked up, her expression guarded. "I don't know, I've been getting these weird messages for weeks now. " she demanded, her eyes searching mine for answers.

I hesitated for a moment, weighing my options. But ultimately, I decided to keep my knowledge to myself, at least for now. "Do you have an idea of who might have sent this? " I replied, keeping my tone neutral.

Regina's frustration was palpable as she turned away, her shoulders tense with uncertainty."No Daniel, no I don't. If I did will I still be sitting here?" I felt a pang of guilt gnaw at my conscience, knowing that I was keeping secrets from her, but I couldn't risk exposing her to more danger.

As Regina's sarcastic remark hung in the air, I resisted the urge to reach out to her, to offer some form of reassurance. Instead, I turned and left the room, the weight of my deception heavy on my shoulders.

In the sanctuary of my study, I wrestled with my conscience, grappling with the decision I had made. But deep down, I knew that protecting Regina was paramount, even if it meant keeping her in the dark.

Hours passed as I delved deeper into my investigation, piecing together the puzzle of the message's origin. But with each revelation, the mystery only seemed to deepen, leaving me with more questions than answers.

As evening descended and the house grew quiet, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. I knew that danger lurked just beyond the shadows, threatening to tear apart the fragile peace we had fought so hard to build.

I walked over to where Regina was staying, she hadn't moved and inch from where I left her. "We have a Board meeting tomorrow at 9:30 with the stakeholders of both Grant Guaranteed Limited and Miller & Co. Don't be late.

" Don't waste your breath, my secretary already informed me. If you didn't know, after that, we both are to meet with the CEO of Freeman Corporation to discuss a big project for Grant Guaranteed Limited. "

Of course, another meeting. That's our life now ever since Father has decided to gamble away all our profits. These are the times that I hate my Father.

But as I glanced at Regina, in the makeshift home office, so deep in her work, ready to carry on her Father's legacy, a sense of determination washed over me. I would do whatever it took to keep her safe, even if it meant confronting the demons of my past head-on.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I settled in for the night, knowing that tomorrow would bring new challenges and new revelations. But whatever lay ahead, I was determined to face it together with Regina, come what may.

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