Chapter 1

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"What's happening to me today?"

I sat at my desk, feeling lost. I've been like this ever since I assumed my father's position. I started tapping my fingers against the smooth surface of my table as I  stared at the screen of my desktop. "Fuck it", I pushed aside the stack of papers that had been demanding my attention since Monday, if they could talked, they would've probably cussed me out by now.

What's seriously going on?

I dialed mom's number, the familiar beeping sound  echoing through the spacious office.

God that sounds annoying

After a few moments, mom's voice filled the line, warm and comforting, as it always is.

"Reggie, darling, is everything alright?" her mother asked, concern evident in her tone.

I tried to smile, despite the weight of my worries weighing on my back like a fucking 130 pound dumbbell. "Everything's fine, Mom. Just checking in on you, making sure you're taking care of yourself." I wanted to talk to mom about this so much, but I don't want to bore mom with any details of why I was feeling like this. Mom's  already going through a whole lot of things right now, I can't add more problems to her workload

Mom chuckled softly, I missed hearing that voice so much. "Oh, you worry too much, dear. I'm doing just fine. How are things at the office? Have you settled into your new role?"

I hesitated, the thought of me being at the office harshly bringing me out to reality, the events of the past few days flashing through my mind. "It's been hectic, to say the least. But I'm managing. Dad left some big shoes to fill, but I'm determined to make him proud. Even at the detriment of my own sanity"

"I know you will, sweetheart, and you don't hesitate to tell me anything that happen, or how you're feeling. Being a CEO isn't child's play, and you're not expected to fit in immediately," mom replied, her voice filled with pride and worry at the same time. "You've always had a knack for business, just like your father. I have no doubt you'll succeed."

Ouch, my heart

My heart swelled with gratitude for mom's unwavering support. Even when she's stressed, she always found a way to comfort others. "Thanks, Mom. I couldn't do it without you."

After brushing up on each other's life and of course, gossip, Mom ended the call because someone and leaned back in her chair, a sense of contentment washing over her. It was moments like these, the simple act of checking in on her loved ones, that reminded her of what truly mattered in life.

But her moment of peace was short-lived as my secretary, Sarah, entered the office with a solemn expression.

"Regina, I have a message for you," Sarah said, her voice low.

This should be good.

"What is it?", I asked, genuinely curious

Sarah hesitated for a moment before handing me a slip of paper. "It's from an unknown number. It... it doesn't sound good."

My life's wonderful. Note the obvious sarcasm

I unfolded the paper, and I tried to get my espresso riddled brain to process the  the ominous message scrawled across it. "Be warned Egan-Miller, your time will end before it had just begun."

The fuck?

I'm here trying to make sense out of my life, and some fucker out there thinks it's funny to send fan mail through my assistant

I hate my life

I tried to think of the idiot that could do this, trying to think of  one potential enemy to the next. Was it a disgruntled competitor who couldn't just get the fact that I don't give a flipping damn whether I'm on the bottom of Forbes 500?  Or maybe a former associate, seeking revenge for some perceived slight that could just be talked over?

I could feel the wheels in my head overheating from the obvious stress, but I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that I had and the bottom of my stomach. I haven't, in my 2 miserable months of being the CEO of this damn company, faced challenges like this before, but there's a first time for everything, isn't there?

If I ever see the universe in person, we're going to have a very long talk

I glanced up at Sarah, who had been shifting uncomfortably from one feet to another, and I couldn't grasp whether it was from the message or from my presence alone. I've been on edge the past weeks that my own employees walk on eggshells around me. Their words, not mine. I tried to steady my voice despite the the unease I feel and my head overheating inside me. "Thank you, Sarah. Please keep this between us for now. I'll handle it."

Sarah nodded, her eyes filled with concern, fear and pity. "Of course, Miss."

I tried to  offer her a reassuring smile but she quickly scurried out of my office. Well, I tried. I turned my attention back to the slip of paper in my hand

Shit, I really need to schedule a nail appointment

I groaned, or at least tried to groan without my head feeling like it's on fire. I so can't  afford to let fear dictate her actions, not when so much was at stake.

Why does the world hate me?

I took a deep breath, and tried to prepare myself for the months ahead, because this is going to be a very long year and I knew it. And one of these days I'm gonna invest in a personal therapist Cos I refuse to give in to the universe and it's obscene tricks. Whatever threats might come, I'm just gonna steer through it with a cup of espresso, a donut and Tylenol because Regina Egan-Miller refuses to give in.

And while I'm at it, I'm gonna find eligible candidates for this CEO position of Miller& Co because I wasn't built for this.

Universe 1
Regina 0

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